1, generally 2-3mm mandibular deviation can be improved by orthognathic surgery. You know, when the deviation of the tooth centerline exceeds 2mm, it will attract people's attention and affect the symmetry and beauty of the face. However, if the teeth are found to be deviated, even if the mandible is 1mm, it should be corrected as soon as possible. Because before adulthood, that is, before the completion of bone development, because after adulthood, the mandible will become more and more crooked.
2. Before orthognathic surgery, orthodontists and surgeons are generally required to design the same scheme. Before the operation, the teeth can be aligned. For the disharmony of occlusal relationship caused by overdevelopment or hypoplasia of jaw, osteotomy or bone length can be increased by surgery to achieve disharmony of jaw, occlusal relationship and face.