Mr. Rocket has introduced many practical cases for the conditional formatting function, and these cases are all targeted at certain specific cells. If you want to adjust the format of an entire row or column based on a certain condition, how should you do it?
Let’s take a look at the final result first:
When we change the number of months entered in cell E2, the month value will be found in the table below, and the entire month will be highlighted. A row of data. So how to do this?
After selecting cell E5, select New Rule->Use formula to determine the cell to be set
Select the corresponding The area is " =$E$2=$E5 ", and set a custom format. After clicking OK, you will find that it seems to have no effect.
Newly open the rule manager for conditional formatting. You can see that this condition currently only applies to cell E5. Therefore, what we have to do at this time is to change the application to " =$B$5:$G$1001 ", which is the entire table data area.
Click Apply to see the effect.
Of course, I have learned to use conditional formatting to set the entire row and column. You can also use this method to do some expansion, such as:
▲Highlight certain two words Data between two dates
▲Weaken data outside certain two dates