Dresser [dr ε se] v.t Lift, erect, erect; Build, erect, build; Leveling, straightening and correction; Preparation, formulation, drafting, drafting; Domestication; Training; Incite, abet
Se ~v.pr stands upright, gets up, shrugs and stands; Oppose, resist, confront, confront ...
My VAT is 1. Lift up, stand up, stand up: the dresser looks up.
A dog with ears pricked up.
Dresser l' oreille[ turns around] Listen carefully and pay attention.
dresser un m? T-shaped vertical mast
Dresser uneéchelle cont un mur set up a ladder against the wall.
2. establish, establish; Take: dresser United Nations Monument set up a commemorative card.
Dresser Unente set up a tent.
Dresser makes the bed.
3. Finishing: dressing table la table[ old] Set the table [ready for dinner]
dressing table
Take countermeasures.
Dresser battery, set up gun rack.
There is a trap on the dresser.
4. Compilation, formulation, drafting, drafting: dresser le bilan de l' experience sums up experience.
Dressing table list
Dresser unpan plans.
Dresser un tableau makes charts.
Dresser un contrat draws up a contract.
5. Incite: One person incites another person to oppose another person.
6. Straighten: une pierre leveled all four sides of the stone on the dressing table.
Dresser une planche palette
7. Training: Dresser UN Chien à Raporte Le Gibier trains a dog to retrieve its prey.
Animaux de cirque bien dressés, a well-trained circus animal.
I'm on the dresser. I want to teach you a lesson.
II se dresser v.pr. 1。 Stand up straight and get up; Stand up: sedresser sur la pointe des pieces stands on tiptoe.
Sédresser sur son séant sat up.
Horizon stands on a high mountain on the horizon.
Seddresser of the freedom struggle organization fought for his liberation.
Against intruders.
The rebels of the resistance front rose to fight head-on with the enemy.
2. (Animals) can be well trained