Invasive pathway
It can be absorbed through respiratory tract, skin and digestive tract.
Introduction to toxicology
Low concentration of phenol will denature protein, while high concentration will precipitate protein. It has a strong corrosive effect on skin and mucosa, and can also inhibit the central nervous system or damage liver and kidney functions.
Aqueous solution is more easily absorbed by skin than pure phenol, while emulsion is more easily absorbed. Most of the inhaled phenol stays in the lungs and is quickly excreted after stopping contact. Most of the absorbed phenol is excreted in urine in its original form or after being combined with sulfuric acid, glucuronic acid or other acids, and some of it is oxidized into catechol and hydroquinone, making the urine brown and black (phenol urine).
There are different reports of oral lethal dose, LD is 2 ~ 15g, or MLD is 140mg/kg and 14g/kg. It has been reported abroad that the area of skin polluted by phenol solution is 25%, and it dies in 10 minute, and the blood phenol is 0.74 mmlo/L.
clinical picture
Acute poisoning: Inhaling high concentration steam can cause headache, dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision and pulmonary edema.
Ingestion can cause digestive tract burns, burning pain, exhaled breath with phenol, vomit or bloody stool, gastrointestinal perforation, shock, pulmonary edema, liver or kidney damage. Acute renal failure can generally occur within 48 hours. Phenol content in blood and urine increased.
Skin burn: painless white wrinkling at the beginning of the wound, followed by brown scab. Ordinary superficial second degree burns. It can be absorbed by burned skin, and after a certain incubation period, acute poisoning symptoms such as acute renal failure appear.
Eye contact: can cause burns.
deal with
Acute poisoning: leave the scene immediately and go to fresh air. Take off contaminated clothes immediately after skin pollution, and rinse with plenty of running water for at least 20 minutes; If the area is small, you can first wipe the wound with 50% alcohol or wipe the skin with glycerin, polyethylene glycol or a mixture of polyethylene glycol and alcohol (7:3), and then rinse it with a lot of running water immediately. Then wet compress with saturated sodium sulfate solution. Oral administration of vegetable oil 15 ~ 30 ml to induce vomiting, then gastric lavage with warm water until the vomit has no phenol smell, and then sodium sulfate 15 ~ 30 mg. When the digestive tract has been seriously corroded, do not carry out the above treatment. Early oxygen supply.
Rational use of antibiotics. Prevention and treatment of pulmonary edema, liver and kidney damage and other symptomatic and supportive treatment. The application of glucocorticoid depends on the degree of burn and poisoning. Patients with severe conditions (including skin burns) need early dialysis treatment to detoxify and prevent renal failure. Oral users need to prevent esophageal stricture caused by scar contraction.
Eye contact: Rinse with normal saline, cold boiled water or clean water for at least 10 minutes, and deal with symptoms.