2. The main reason why mummies don't rot for thousands of years lies in the process of making.
First, apply melted turpentine to your face to protect your facial image and prevent it from drying too fast.
Second, brain pulp processing. The craftsman inserted the chisel into the left nostril, crushed the ethmoid bone, and then used tools to rotate in the brain, destroying the brain marrow. Insert a very small long-handled spoon into the brain from the nostril, dig out the brains, and finally put some drugs and spices into the empty skull. Brain marrow is generally not preserved. ?
Third, take out the internal organs. The stomach, intestine, liver and lung were taken out through the left incision in the abdomen. Then use palm oil as cleaning solution to clean the chest and abdomen. Sometimes these organs are neatly wrapped in turpentine balls and put into the mummy's abdomen, and sometimes they are put into a small jar with a lid and then put into the abdomen. Small pots are becoming more and more complicated from the ancient kingdom to the new kingdom.
Fourth, dehydration. This is an important drying process. The craftsmen first wrapped the soaked alkali and other temporary fillers in cloth, and then soaked them in dry soaked alkali powder for about 40 days. After the water is drained, they take out the stuffing inside and put crushed myrrh, cinnamon, soaked alkali, sawdust and so on in cloth bags. Finally, they carefully stitched the incision and pasted a piece of skin with Horace's eyes painted on it, because the ancient Egyptians missed the strong healing and protection of this skin.
Fifth, cosmetic surgery. In order to keep the mummy's skin soft, it was selectively coated with a mixture of milk, wine, spices, beeswax, turpentine and asphalt to beautify the skin. Mummy's eyes are full of linen and stones, which are very vivid. The mummy was finally coated with turpentine to prevent moisture, and the makeup artist also sprinkled a layer of carmine on the mummy's cheeks, wearing a braided wig, clothes and the best jewelry.
Sixth, the bag. Egyptians thought it was dangerous to be buried, so prayers were accompanied during the whole process (usually 15 days). Every time the hand that bandages the body moves, it is accompanied by solemn prayers or magic spells, and protective strips are placed between linen bandages. They attach great importance to keeping it in their hearts. Amulets are generally made of scarab-shaped or heart-shaped green stones with the words "Preserve the heart of the deceased so that it will not produce anything harmful to its owner". Other amulets were placed near the mummy's body or wrapped in linen.
Seventh, the mummy greeted his card. The time is usually 70 days. After that, Anubis secretly returned the mummy to his family for burial.