According to the doctor, it will cause "three evils" on your face. The main reason is that the skin around the eyes is slack, and the structure of eye bags becomes hypertrophy and collapse, which easily protrudes the skin, resulting in a "big bag" falling object on the lower edge of the orbit. In addition, the loss of Lissoris and collagen makes the bags under the eyes "sag downward", which leads to the depression of the eye tissue, and a "fault" appears at the intersection with Lissoris, which is the so-called "fault". Do the tears at present make you 20 years older? Bags under the eyes, lacrimal glands and dark circles often appear together, but the causes of dark circles are complicated and there is no absolute age. If young people have an abnormal life, often stay up late and avoid smoking, they will have the chance of dark circles. Some people even suffer from chronic diseases such as nasal allergies, often rubbing their eyes and blowing their noses, resulting in poor circulation around their eyes and dark circles. The doctor said that many mature and even young patients have been troubled by bags under the eyes, tears and dark circles recently. Even if they are diligent in maintenance, they have even done micro-plastic filling, perhaps because of the pressure of life and the physique that collagen is easy to lose, the facial features are easy to sag, especially when Lisorius at the lower edge is no longer full, the skin on the face will "walk the mountain" and get old. Most people often choose micro-plastic surgery to improve after discovering problems such as bags under the eyes and lacrimal ditches.
"Filling methods such as micro-plastic surgery can only be regarded as an emergency method of' treating the symptoms rather than curing the root cause'. Collagen, hyaluronic acid and other fillers are temporarily reversed, but as the fillers are gradually absorbed by the body, the gap after returning to the original shape is even greater, especially for aging skin in their sixties and seventies. The effect of micro-plastic surgery is limited, and it is not a small expense to go back to the clinic for two or three months. Many patients struggle between "old face" and "childlike face", and finally decide to adopt "lower eyelid anti-aging surgery" to completely improve the annoying problem. Doctors pay attention to aesthetics. After the operation, the eyes don't go, and the plastic surgery eliminates the bags under the eyes and the lacrimal groove. Although it is not a large-scale operation, it is an operation that needs aesthetic foundation.
"There is a thin line between bags under the eyes and lying silkworms. Sleeping silkworms with slightly protruding lower eyelids can make eyes full of charm, but if they become bags of heavy bags under the eyes, they will give people a feeling of listlessness. Many people worry that when they are young, the charming sleeping silkworm will become pouch when they are old. The doctor compared it with interesting examples. " Sleeping silkworms and bags under the eyes are like "single-family" and "double-family" villas. If a single family is not careful, it will become a double family, and the doctor can merge the double families into a single family. However, some doctors lack aesthetics and tear down single-family villas, losing their eyes and personal charm. Therefore, the lower eyelid surgery can be completed in one hour, and the complicated condition can be completed in only two hours, so as to improve the annoying eye bags and lacrimal groove problems together. However, the doctor reminded that although the operation is small, preoperative communication is very important. Doctors should fully understand the patient's condition before making the most appropriate surgical strategy. There are two main surgical methods to solve pouch. One is "pouch transfer", which makes the pouch fill the lacrimal passage down. The other is "pushing back the bags under the eyes", that is, pushing the bags under the eyes back to their original positions so that they are not prominent, and then filling the lacrimal passages and dark circles with autologous fat. However, if you encounter skin relaxation, serious eye bags, loss and sagging of risorius, etc. It is a serious aging situation, and you must rely on the operation of "skin under the eyes" to save you!
The effect of eye bags removal and autologous fat transplantation "takes root". Doctors with rich experience in the age of eye bags and lacrimal ditches say that there are many things that need to be tailored according to the original conditions. Depending on the situation during the operation, the effect will be more natural if fat is filled in time. The doctor added, "Of course, the success rate of autologous fat transplantation is also related to the doctor's experience and whether the fat extraction process is smooth. The more complete the extracted adipocytes, the higher the survival rate after implantation. According to the current technology, the survival rate after transplantation is about 50%. In other words, when fat takes root in risorius and other places where it is needed, it will make the skin look rich, shiny and naturally look much younger. In addition, there are also many patients who are dissatisfied with the bags under their eyes and seek medical treatment quickly. Doctors say that most patients with ectropion will appear in patients with older eyes and deeper orbits. Too much lower eyelid resection, too tight pulling, or scar contracture can cause ectropion. " Eyelid ectropion is a difficult situation to deal with. Many patients have suffered from failed surgery and come to the clinic for help. Everyone has different reasons for eversion of eyelids. Therefore, I often say that preoperative evaluation is extremely important, and it is necessary to know the details of eye sag, eyelid thickness, orbital depth, fat stock and so on. And perform precise surgery to avoid the trouble of rescue afterwards. 」
The recovery period of lower eyelid surgery is short, and it will reduce swelling and congestion in about one or two weeks, during which glasses and contact lenses can be worn normally. Small internal trauma, no external scar, short postoperative recovery period and simple wound care; Open wound care should be more careful. Now there is an excellent scar-removing ointment. If you use it according to the doctor's advice, you can leave no scars. Doctors say that the appearance of bags under the eyes and lacrimal glands tends to be younger, which may be related to the popularity of 3C products and the damage of blue light. Therefore, many young and mature patients with naturally flabby face and few fat layers have already had anti-aging surgery on their lower eyelids in their early forties. "Before the bags under the eyes have not completely collapsed and the skin around the eyes has not relaxed, you can really use the smallest surgery, the shortest recovery period, and prolong the perfection of the surgical effect! 」
(Excerpted from: Faber, Qiu, Faber Fashion Clinic Discussion Area)