Del command:
Delete one or more files.
DEL[/P][/F][/S][/Q][/A[[:] attribute]] name
Erase [/P][/F][/S][/Q][/A[[:] attribute]] name.
Names specifies a list of one or more files or directories. Wildcards can be used to
Delete multiple files. If a directory is specified, the
All files will be deleted.
/P Prompt for confirmation before deleting each file.
/F Force the deletion of read-only files.
/S Deletes the specified file from all subdirectories.
/Q quiet mode. When deleting global wildcards, no confirmation is required.
/A Select the file to delete according to the attribute.
Read-only file system file
H hide file archive file
-Prefix of "No"
If command extension is enabled, DEL and ERASE will change as follows:
The display syntax of the /S switch will be reversed, that is, only what has been displayed will be displayed.
Deleted files, do not display files that cannot be found.
Rd command:
Delete a directory.
RMDIR[/S][/Q][ drive:] path
RD[/S][/Q][ drive:] path
/S All subdirectories under the specified directory will be deleted except the directory itself.
Documents. Used to delete the directory tree.
/Q Quiet mode, with /S, no need to confirm when deleting the directory tree.