Take the traditional 5 1 single chip microcomputer as an example. Under the crystal oscillation of 12M, the computing power is 1MIPS (1 1,000,000 instructions per second). The following is from Cx5 1? Compiler-
Optimization? c? Compiler? And then what? Library? Reference? For what? Classic? And then what? Extension? 805 1? In the microcontroller, the instruction time for selecting 16-bit shaping, 32-bit shaping and floating-point (32-bit) basic operations is:
The above is the instruction time of various basic operations after C5 1 compilation, depending on how many such instructions you need in your integral and differential operation package.
Generally speaking, the traditional 8-bit 5 1 microcontroller is not suitable for real-time applications. At least an enhanced 5 1 microcontroller with single-cycle 1T instruction (such as STC series, C805 1 series) or AVR, or 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers (such as PIC24) should be used.