Surgery; surgery
Pediatrics: pediatrics
Obstetrics and Gynecology: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Ophthalmology: ophthalmology
Dentistry: dentistry
Otolaryngology: otolaryngology.
Urology: Urology
Dermatology; Dermatology: dermatology
general surgery
Orthopedic surgery: Orthopedic surgery
Trauma Department: Trauma Surgery
Plastic surgery: plastic surgery
Anesthesiology: Anesthesiology
Pathology department: Pathology department
Cardiology: Cardiology
Psychiatry: Psychiatry
Orthopedics: orthopedics
cardiac surgery
chest surgery
Neurology: neurology
Neurosurgery: neurosurgery
Thoracic surgery: brain surgery
Anorectal department. department of anus & intestine surgery
liver and gall surgical department
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Infectious diseases department
Geriatrics Department: Geriatrics Department
Hematology: Hematology
Rheumatology department
endocrinology department
Plastic surgery medical plastic surgery
Hepatology department: hepatologist
Nephrology: Nephrology
Sexually transmitted diseases college department of sexually transmitted diseases
Physiotherapy department
Electrotherapy room electrotherapy department
Daylight therapy room phototherapy department
Wax therapy room wax therapy department
Spa room spa department
Central laboratory
Clinical laboratory
Bacteriological laboratory
Biochemical laboratory
Serum laboratory
Immunology laboratory
Waiting room waiting room
VIP waiting room
Consulting room
treatment rooms
isolation room
Audiometry room
labour room
delivery room
Fetal heart care unit
Abortion room
Abortion lounge lounge
Registered office: registered office
Outpatient department: outpatient department
Inpatient department: Inpatient department
Nursing department: nursing department
Consulting room: consulting room
Emergency room: emergency room
Emergency operating room
Emergency observation room
Inpatient department: inpatient department
Operating room: operating room
Cystoscope room
Endoscopic region
Fiberoptic room
Gastroscopy Room
Color ultrasound room
Electroencephalogram room
Dressing room dressing room
Outpatient operation center
X-ray department/radiology department: radiology department
Blood bank: blood bank
Hemodialysis room
Pharmacy; Pharmacy: pharmacy
Nutrition department
Food preparation department catering room
Treatment room of treatment department
Supply room
sterilizing room
Dressing room dressing room
record room
Doctor's office doctor's office
Nurse's office
Nursing Station
Ward: ward
medical ward
surgical ward
paediatric ward
transfusion room
Surgical treatment room
Coronary care unit (CCU) cardiac intensive care unit
Resuscitation room
Intensive care unit
Medical intensive care unit (MICU)
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Pediatric intensive care unit (picu)
Surgical intensive care unit (SICU)
For your own reference, look through the dictionary.