How is turbinate hypertrophy treated?
Analysis of illness: turbinate hypertrophy refers to chronic inflammation of turbinate, which leads to edema of turbinate mucosa and nasal congestion. For some hypertrophic inferior turbinates, nasal mucosal vasoconstrictors and Chinese and western medicines are used, but the effect is not good. Besides drug therapy, there are other ways to improve nasal ventilation, such as partial inferior turbinectomy, freezing, microwave, laser and partial resection of nasal polyps. However, the above methods have great damage to the inferior turbinate mucosa, such as postoperative pain, bleeding, scabbing, dryness, nasal odor, infection, nasal adhesion, etc., which affect the nasal function to varying degrees. According to the current medical concept, it is best not to do turbinate surgery. It's a thermostat for the nasal cavity. If it is damaged too much, it will lose the feeling of cold and warm air. If it is too big, it will seriously affect the respiratory function. But conservative treatment with drugs is ineffective. The best way is to perform turbinate reduction surgery without damaging the nasal mucosa.