Response. Redirect (",false); The target page and the original page can be on two servers, and you can enter the URL or relative path. The following bool value is whether to stop executing the current page. Jump to a new page and the original window will be replaced. "The URL in the browser is a new path. The response. Method causes the browser to link to the specified URL. When responding. Redirect () method, which creates a response and displays the status code 302 (indicating that the target has changed) and the new target URL in the response header. The browser receives a reply from the server and sends a new URL request using the information in the reply header. That is to say, when using the response. Redirection method, the redirection operation takes place at the client, and always * * * involves two communications with the server (two round trips): the first time is a request for the original page and a 302 response, and the second time is a new page declared in the request 302 response and a redirected page is obtained.
Server. Transfer("Default2.aspx? Name = Zhang San ",true); The target page and the original page can be on the same server. Jump to a new page and the original window will be replaced. The web address in Bobo forum browser is the same as the original path. By default, the server. The Transfer method will not transfer the form data or query string from one page to another, but as long as the second parameter of the method is set to Tb3 10True, the form data and query string of the first page can be preserved. At the same time, when using the server. Transfer, pay attention to one thing: the target page will use the response flow created by the original page, which will lead to the machine verification and inspection of ASP.NET B 310, blog,, expert's mind, tournament recommendation, tournament analysis, database, football tournament, basketball, NBA, odds, score, basketball data and football data. (Machine certification check. Therefore, if you want to keep the form data and query string set of the original page, you must set the EnableViewStateMac property of the target page instruction to False. ?
Server. Execute("Default5.aspx? Address = Beijing); The target page and the original page can be on the same server. Jump to a new page, and then jump to the original page. The URL in the browser is the same as the original path. When the specified ASPX page is executed, the control flow returns to the location of the server. An execution call was made from the original page. This Page navigation method is similar to the function call of ASPX page, and the called page can access the form data and query string collection of the calling page, so the EnableViewStateMac property of the page instruction of the called page is set to False. ?