vn is Vietnam.
Vietnam, the full name of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (English: Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vietnamese: C?nghòaX?h?iCh?ngh?aVi?tNam, abbreviation: VN), is a country in Asia socialist country.
Geographical location
It is located in the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia, bordering China's Guangxi and Yunnan to the north, and Laos and Cambodia to the west. It has a long and narrow land area of ??about 330,000 square kilometers and is close to the South China Sea. The coastline is more than 3,260 kilometers long.
It is a multi-ethnic country with the Jing ethnic group as the main body. Historically, the central and northern parts of Vietnam have been Chinese territory for a long time. In 968, they officially separated from China and established an independent country. After that, Vietnam went through multiple feudal dynasties and continued to expand southward, but all dynasties were vassal states of China.