(1) According to its characteristics of strong dryness, obvious layering and few branches, the crown tree should be thinned and trimmed, and the buds should be cut short during shaping to promote it to increase the number of branches, so as to select and keep the backbone branches and long branches, and prevent the crown from being loose, the back part from balding and the gap from being too large. When shaping small and medium-sized crown dense trees, the central trunk can be stretched and bent, and the back side can be used as branches. The method of replacing the head with upright branches on the back side can be chosen to speed up the shaping and bear fruit early.
(2) Because the backbone branches are easy to grow upright, measures such as pulling branches and opening angles, carving buds and branching, girdling the trunk and main branches can be taken to alleviate their growth potential and promote early fruiting.
(3) The pruning of trees in full fruit stage is mainly to retract some weak and long fruiting branches and flowering branches to increase the supply of fertilizer and water.
(4) The methods of cutting, releasing and shrinking should be adopted to cultivate large and medium-sized branches. This variety is mostly borne by short and medium fruit branches on long branches, and the "three sets of branches" cutting method is not suitable for branches. Depending on the long branches, they are updated in turn and bear fruit alternately, that is, some branches bear fruit, some branches are updated and cultivated, and some branches expand and contract.