Bags must be placed in a ventilated bag cabinet, and there should be a distance between bags, especially big-name bags, and more attention should be paid to storage. There are stains on the surface of Prada wallet. You can first wipe off the mold on the surface with a dry cloth, then wipe it with 75% medical alcohol, put it in the shade and air dry naturally, and finally coat it with a thin layer of vaseline. If you still can't wipe off the mildew stains on the surface of the bag, it means that the mildew has been deeply planted in the leather. At this time, I suggest you send it to a professional shop for professional treatment.
Yu jinjiang
You can go to the Royal Goldsmith Luxury Maintenance Organization. Royal Goldsmith is a very professional maintenance organization with rich experience in dealing with various problems of bags, such as dealing with mildew spots, repairing wear and deformation, etc.