Plant sufficiency
Cincinnati (American city)
Search. & intransitive verb search; seek
Looking for discovery; seek
Geography book
Salesman; Salesperson
Teenagers; juvenile
Request number & request; ask
Disappointed; Disappointed; depress
In front is in front; Be better than …
Sailor; Sailor; seaman
Add vt. Say it again, supplement
Residue; Residue; The rest
A page of a book, periodical, etc.
Comment; Comment; Comment; Transitive verb & saying
Make your mark successful; famous
William Hartley William? Hartley (male name)
Eagerly; Enthusiastically; Seriously
Considering. Look, stare
No matter what. Pronouns no matter what.
Repay, repay. ; pay back
Jealousy Envy; be jealous of
Later; then
Sailing; Sailing; Sail by boat/plane
On a ship (plane, car)
Leak; gaping holes
Crew, crew
First mate; First mate; assistant
Experienced; Experienced; Skilled
Crew, sailor, sailor
Pump; Pump; air exhauster
Despair; Despair; disappointed
Will; Will; Determination; desire
as long as
Deck deck
Fail. Failure; fail
Disadvantages; Disadvantages; Mistakes; breakdown
Liverpool, a British city
Bless vt ; Give a blessing
Amauri n emory (surname)
Marlett n mallet (male name)
Ramsey Ramsey (last name)
Item 6. Very important, very important.
Unusual; Unusual; horrible
Upper part; Higher level
Inverted upside down; in a complete mess
Envelope, paper bag, cover
Scotland; Scotland
Dover (British port city)
Victoria, Victoria
Cross; Cross; Cross (things)
Door; Door; door
Uneasy, confused
Unkindadj。 unmerciful/ruthless
In the service of. Supply (food)
Author; Writer; author
Clubs; Clubs; mass organization
Francisco n Francisco (male name)
Congratulations, tevt. congratulations
Advice; Advice. Suggestion, suggestion, suggestion
Pleasure vi & make happy
Prose; essay
Francis Bacon Francis? bacon
Shakespeare Shakespeare
Swallow; Swallow. & Swallow it, swallow it
Chew. & chew, chew
Digestion; Digestion. & digestion
Have a casual look, browse
Subject; Problems; Theme; subject
Tokyo (the capital of Japan)
Used; second-hand
Blank margins; Off-column
Written in pencil.
A dozen; a dozen
Dozens of dozen; many
Phrases; Phrases; idiom
Draw a line for. emphasize ...
Firm; Decisive; decision
Annotation, annotation; Notes.
Readers; Readers; reader
Determination; Decide; determination
Reference books; Reference books; annotations
turn to
Tires. To make tired; Intransitive verbs are tired; be sick of
Fatigue wears me out.
Easy, skilled, easy
Easily, effortlessly
Understand; Understand; Comprehend; Understand; understand
Rewrite; Rewrite ; rewrite
Simple; simple
Shorten; Shorten. & shorten
Vocabulary; Glossary; vocabulary
Chapter n. (book) chapter; return
Meaning; meaning
Architecture; Architecture; architecture
Pass by without asking.
Enjoy; Enjoy; appreciate
Thorough. thorough
John Chuchman. John? Qiu Qimen (name)
Wilma Rudolf Wilma? Rudolph (male name)
Stand up, stand up.
Stuffed; Stuffed; have a full house
Olympic Games
Race; Race; Race; run quickly
Relay; Relay. relay race
relay race
Where there is hope, there is hope.
Enter vt. Participate; join
Champion; Champion; winner
The title of champion; Championships
Crowd; Crowd; Intransitive verbs are crowded; squeeze
Get in position. Sit down.
Starting point starting point
Seize; Hold on. & intransitive verbs hurry; rob
Lead, lead, lead.
Reach out and take it
Team members (teammates)
Urged; Urge. Incentive; be on an impulse
A little bit, a little bit
gap; Gap; crack
catch up with
The athlete touches the line with his chest.
Narrow band; Tape measure; Recording tape
Improve vt. ; Improve; put forward
With great difficulty; Reluctantly; with a bad grace
Ride through difficulties and get out of danger
Parcel. Volume; parcel
Friction; Friction. & Friction
Follow vt ; observe
Fall asleep, fall asleep.
On someone's day off.
Round trip (by bus, boat, etc). )
It is a kind; as it were ...
Hops. Intransitive verbs hop; jump
Aid. Ask for help; help
Parentheses; Parentheses; Fixator (Orthopedic)
Leg bracket fixer
Lame. Tripping; walk lame
Wesley n Wesley (male name)
Disturb; Disturb Disturb; Disturb; trouble
Make up for compensation
Shoot. Throw; throw
shoot a basket
Bounce vi Bounce (the ball); Jump (a person)
Barefoot. bare feet
Footprint; Runway (body)
Dash; Dash; Short distance running
American oral English selection
Trial participation selection
Set a new record
Sleeping bag Sleeping bag (for outdoor use)
Jungle; forest
Be in charge of sb.
Vargas n Vargas (male name)
Wizard, wizard.
Al n al (male name)
Madly; forwardly
Group; Group; Uplift; ram
Crawling vi clamber
Strike six. Snakes, beasts, etc. ) bite; snatch
Inches; Inches; An intransitive verb & gradually
Tiptoes; Toe tip; On tiptoe
Loud. Loud voice; boisterous
Painfully; Sadly
Cut off, cut off
Opportunity; possibility
Brush area; bushwood
Talk about, discuss
Shape, shape
An American snake.
Fatal; Fatal; fatal
Shoot; Shoot; shooter
Hold your breath.
Cup. cup
Boast, brag. Pop up; blow
Behavior is better than painting.
Tear up, eradicate
Wet. Humidity; humidity
Accumulation accumulation
Tools; Tools; device
The sixth wave wave
Feel it. Feeling; find
Curl. & intransitive verb curling; curly hair
Twist vi. Hovering; Winding; twist
Ran away quickly.
Remove vt. minus
Tight; firm
Insist on, support
Prayer six. & request; pray
Slide six. Slipping; slide (for children)
Humpback; Humpback; rise
Evil; Evil; commit a crime
Next to, close to; Iron gold
Pour. Down, down, down; discharge
Cracking sound; crack
Play vi. & explosion; burst out
Anne Sullivan Anne? Sullivan (female name)
Idiot; Idiot; fool
Anne Anne (female name)
Patience; Patience; patience
Imagination; Imagination; imagine
dream & intransitive verbs dream; dream
A longing dream
Challenge; Challenge; challenge ...
Spell vt & Spell
Spell the letters that make up a word.
Arrive; reach
Spring water; sink
Pot, pot
Get ready to start. Go ... ...
Itching. Amuse; Feel itchy
Sudden outbreak; turn up
A burst of laughter broke out in a burst of laughter.
Skip vi. Jump, jump; jump
bird cage
Enter a certain state
Rustle. Rustle (leaves, etc)
Insects; insect
Crunch. Crunch
Wisdom; wisdom
Escape; Escape. & intransitive verbs escape; run away
Institutions [institutions] social institutions
Braille; Braille method
Printing; Printing; print
The alphabet.
Represent, not represent
Pity; Compassion; sympathize with
make up one's mind
Shocked; Shocked. Be shocked; crack down
Reread vt
Throat; throat
Clumsy; Clumsy; Inflexible
Owe (debt, etc.); Be grateful
Priceless, extremely expensive
Inspiration; Enlighten; An exciting person
Regardless (used as a conjunction)
Conquer; Conquer. Conquer; Overcome; win
Test; Testing; Trial; submit to trial
Antonio n Antonio (male name)
Businessman; businessperson
Venice (Italian port city)
Trade vi. be in business
Bassanio Bassanio (male name)
fall in love with ...
Portia, Portia (female name)
Gold coin: a gold coin once used in Europe
Sherlock, Sherlock (male name)
Greed, greed
In the case of …, if …
Arrangement; Arrange. ; Prepare; arrange
Arrangement; Arrangement; Prepare; arrange
Gratiano (male name)
Fall in love with (someone)
Maid; Maid; A maiden, a virgin
Nerissa n. Nerissa (female name)
A pair; man and wife
Wedding; Wedding; Structural commemoration
Staff; Staff; secretary
Duke University.
Great; Great; huge
A fair judgment
make a judgment
In return for … ...
Provide. & ampn. Provide; put forward
Court ['court] n.
Rome (the capital of Italy)
Law books; Law textbooks; password
Agreement; Contract; Agreement; consistent
Amount; Total number; Numerical value; quantity
Bills and loan contracts; receipt for a loan
Now; current
Justice; Justice; fair
Be at the mercy of ...
Charles Darwin. Charles. Darwin
Argument. & debate; argue
Debate; Debate; Argument, argument
Wealth; fortune
Discussion; Discussion; discuss
Intense; Intense; Excited
Disagree with vi. Disagree; inconformity
Viewpoint; Opinions; scenery
Hold on. Hold (an opinion, etc). )
Title; Title; Book title; title
Origin; Origin; begin
Type; Type; (taxonomy) species
Statement; Description; plan
Doubt; Doubt. & Doubt
Express doubts about ... ...
Religion. Religion; Religious belief
Religious; Religious; divine
Attack; Attack. Attack; attack
Observe; Observe; observe
Creation; Create. Create; Creation; give rise to
Die out, die out
adapt to
Things around you; environment
Survive; Survive; survive
Christians, Christians
Base; Base. on the basis of ...
Statement, statement
Nature, nature
Bible; Christian bible
Evolution; Development; develop
Thereforadv。 Therefore; therefore
Medicine; Medicine; internal medicine
Shrewsbury n. shuzbury (English city)
Cambridge Cambridge (British city)
Opportunity; Opportunity; the main chance
Get up. Get up; Rise; appear
Teaching; Teaching; Teaching; theory
Stand the test
Evidence; Evidence; Prove; set an example
Settle down; (of men) get married
Kent (a county in England)
Alfred Wallace Alfred? Wallace
Agree, agree ...
Arouse; Arouse Reason; give rise to
Genius; Genius; Genius
Viewpoint; Viewpoint; Argument; general idea
Express one's point of view to make an argument, prove an argument
Bishop (Christian)
Oxford (British city)
Debate; Debate. & intransitive verb argument; debate
Huxley (British biologist)
Continue to live; keep
Communication vi. & communicate; Communicate by telephone
Karl von Frisch Carr? Feng? Frisch
Surprise ['surprise] n.
Honeycomb; Honeycomb; beehive
Honey; Honey; honey
Honeycomb cell
Apartadv。 They are; separate
Distinguish, distinguish
Perform vt. ; Performance; Intransitive verb behavior
Excite. Excite; stimulate
The sixth army. Gather, gather
Imitation; Imitate. copy
Set up the installation; Arrangement; build
Distant; Distant
Strange, wonderful
Scenes; Scenes; spectacle
Swing six. Transitive verb & swing
Put forward
Colleagues; partner
Show up, appear
Prepare every time. Every one, one
Title six. forward
Downward; ... down there
Figure n. shape; Graphics; Numbers; describe
Calculate the total; Calculation; decision
At present, now, now.
One day (in the future)
Temporary; Temporary; temporal
Rush Ben; busy
Christmas rush on Christmas Eve
Richardson n Richardson (last name)
Passed away.
Depression; Depressed; Depression, depression
Training; Training. train
Better trained
Refuse to refuse
lose one's job
Generally, generally
Regular; Regular; Stationary
Neat; Neat; Neat/clean
Help; help
Errand; errand
went on errands
Thoroughly; Fully; Thoroughly
Mccollum N. McCullough (last name)
Pleasant; Pleasant; open-minded
Happy to the extreme, triumphant.
Stockings of stockings
Alan Allen (last name)
Ring; Round; ring
Window display case
Confuse. Confused; make hay of
This dress is well cut.
Gaze. & stare
Earn; Earn; acquire
Compassion; Compassion; Empathy; Show sympathy and concern for ...
Clip; Clamp; paper clip
A set, a set, a pair, right.
Step, step, pedal
Lenovo bent down; fall on ...
Display n. and amp display; show
Display on a display; exhibit
Recite vi. & Step back, step back
Exit the export; Quit
Sleeves, sleeves
Grab vi. Hook; Hang up; be drawn into
Shallow plate; saucer
Hold on, hold on
Volume six. curl up
Slip vi. Slip, slip; slip
Opening; Sewing; crack
Pray for a request; entreat
Forgive. excuse
Disaster, disaster; natural disaster
Luck; Luck; luck
Extinguish; take out
Hold tightly; Hold tight. Buckle; grasp
Flag; Flag; a kind of ancient banner
British; British; British men
Gaze; Focus (feelings) on
Envy; Envy; appreciate
Representative, representative
Globe; Globe; earth
Boundary; limit
Selfless; unselfish
Overcome; Victory. ; overcome
Adopt, adopt
Technology; Technology; skill
Responsible; reliable
Change; Change; change
Ratio; Rate; grade
One tenth
Power; Ability; Strength; force
Prosperity; prosperous
Surgery; surgical operation
Cure; Cure. ; Correct; eliminate
Rapidly cured
Patient; Patient; patient
Uncomfortable; Uncomfortable; trouble
Deformity; Deformity; Be disabled
Medical care worker
Without complaint
Endure; Endure. & intransitive verb forbearance; keep one's patience
Help; Assist. & intransitive verb assistance; help
Born; Delivery; Born; family background
Depend on; Dependence; trust
Sacrifice; Sacrifice. Sacrifice; devote/dedicate/give oneself to
Target; End point; Target; target
Dedication; Dedication; Loyalty; focus one's attention on
Reason; Cause; Reason; undertaking
Sealed. ; cover ...
Comradeship; friendship
Purpose; Purpose; Yes; use
Celebrate. ; praise
Jaw; Jaw; Upper and lower jaws, mouth
Dunkirk (French port city)
Port; port
Coast; Coast; seashore
Approaching; nearby
Infringement Invasion; Aggressiveness; infringe upon
Invasion; Aggression; Aggressiveness; infringe upon
Netherlands (Europe)
Bomber; bomber
Dive Bomber
Blow up; sabotage
Strongpoint ['strongpoint] n.a strategic defensive position
Fighter plane; warcraft
Cannon; Cannon; machine cannon
machine gun
Transportation; Transportation. ; transport
Expeditionary; Expeditionary; exploratory
Strength; Strength; Power; force
Allies; Alliance; Allies (in World War I)
Launch; Launch. ; Launch (a war, etc)
Car; Cars (French cities)
Retreat, retreat, retreat
Retreat. Intransitive verbs retreat; withdraw
Cut off; Cut off; cut off
Beach beach
Darkness; worried
Smash. ; Defeat; smash
Trapped. Set traps to catch; snare
Majority; Majority; most
Surrender. & intransitive verb surrender; (of criminals) voluntarily surrender (to the police)
Procrastination; Traction; towboat
Banker, banker
Fresh ajd. Fresh; inexperienced
Scout; Scout; boy scouts
Boy scouts at sea, boy scouts trained at sea.
Property; Property; the property rights
Sunset; Sunset; sunset
amount to
At the same time; once
Generally, generally
Rough; Rude
Head toward. ...
Gunboat, gunboat
Twinkling light; glitter
Destroy; Destroy (ships, etc. ) suffered harm.
Rescue; Rescue. & rescue; succour
Come to the rescue; Rescue; help
Scream vi. Scream; shout
Explosion. & intransitive verb explosion; explosion
Board (an airplane, a car)
Staggered Shake it; staggering
Bomb; bomb
Lack; Lack. & lack
Panic; Panic; scarey
The front is the front
Rear part; rear
In the back. It's in the back.
Somehowadv。 somehow
Offshore; Offshore; coastland
Shell shell
Approaching in turn, approaching; besiege
Steadily; Steadily; smoothly
Sweep past; make inroads/incursions into
Fleet; Fleet; Fleet; motorcade
Take-off transfer; Take away; succour
Equipment ['equipment] n.equipment
Men; Men. For employees ...