Etiology of genu varus
Knee varus is caused by calcium deficiency and genetic factors, as well as walking posture, standing posture, sitting posture and some exercise habits. This deformity will affect daily life and sports and needs to be corrected in time.
Correction method of genu varus
There are many methods to correct genu varus, including surgery, orthosis, splint, leggings, exercise and insole correction. The non-surgical correction method is to relax the medial collateral ligament of the knee joint and restore the stable structure of the knee joint through exercise and stretching.
Etiology of genu valgus
Genu valgus is caused by rickets, osteomalacia, poliomyelitis, fracture, trauma and osteoma. This deformity will affect daily life and sports and needs to be corrected in time.
Correction method of genu valgus
For the correction of genu valgus, besides treating the etiology, traction, splint and bracket can be used to prevent the development of deformity and correct it as much as possible. In non-surgical treatment, it is suitable for mild genu valgus with a wide range of motion, which can be corrected by thigh muscle massage, manual massage and orthopedic brace.