Char * subfunction (void)
static char SZ text[5]= " adfa "; //Use static space
//assign a value to p.
Return to szText
Void Caller() // This function calls SubFunction.
TRACE("%s\n ",subfunction);
//Method 2, pass with a pointer
Void subfunction (char *pText 1, char *pText2)
//operate pText 1, pText2.
Strcpy(pText 1, "love");
Strcpy(pText2, "you");
Void Caller() // This function calls SubFunction.
char szText 1[5],SZ text 2[5]; //Of course, memory can also be allocated dynamically here.
Subfunctions (szText 1, sztext2); // szText 1, szText2 is the value brought back.
TRACE("%s %s\n ",szText 1,SZ text 2);