# include & ltcstdio & gt
Use namespace std
int main()
int num
char ch[20];
CIN & gt; & gtnum
itoa(num,ch, 10); //Use the function of itoa
cout & lt& ltch & lt& ltendl
Method 2:
# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & ltcstdio & gt
Use namespace std
int main()
int num
char ch[20];
CIN & gt; & gtnum
sprintf(ch," %d ",num); //Use the function sprintf ()
cout & lt& ltch & lt& ltendl
Method 3: (Experience for yourself ...)
# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & ltcstdio & gt
Use namespace std
Long power (int num 1, int num2)
Length =1;
for(int I = 1; I<= num2i++)
sum = num 1 * sum;
Returns the sum;
Char* Itoa (long number)
for(int I = 0; I & ltnumi++)
If(Pow( 10, I) > number)
int h=num/Pow( 10,I- 1);
int * n = new int[I- 1];
for(int j = I- 1; j & gt= 1; j -)
num=num%int(Pow( 10,j));
n[j- 1]=num/(Pow( 10,j- 1));
char * str = new char[I+ 1];
str[I]= ' \ 0 ';
str[0]= char(h+int(' 0 ');
int m = 1;
for(j = I-2; j & gt=0; j -)
num = char(n[j]+int(' 0 ');
str[m]= char(num);
Delete [] n;
Returns a string;
int main()
int num
char * ch
CIN & gt; & gtnum
ch = Itoa(num); //Use the function of Atoi
cout & lt& ltch & lt& ltendl
Delete ch; //Remember this, it's dynamic.