This way
You don’t clear the graphics in the new menuitemclick
You clear it in the paint event of the picturebox
You set a flag, for example, bool creatNew = false;
private void create new ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
createNew= true;
< p> pictureBox1.Refresh();}
Inside the paint event
< p> e.Graphics.Clear();}
It is best to draw in the paint event
In addition, when you clear the picture Your line[k, 2] elements that store line data must be cleared, otherwise they will still be drawn.
It is best to use a List or Queue to store the elements you want to draw. Then clear the paint event first, and then draw everything in it
Second question
You'd better define the line class
Including starting coordinates, end coordinates, and color
The line class can inherit the shape class, so that if you want to expand the drawing function in the future, you can do the same
Do not use public *** Brush, if you use a public brush, if you change one color, of course, all colors will change