Import? Java . util . scanner;
Public? Class? DemoArray? {
Public? Static electricity Invalid? main(String[]? args)? {
System.out.println ("Enter an array with elements separated by commas,? Like what? 1,2,3");
Scanner? Input? =? New? Scanner (system. in); //Console input
String[]? ss? =? input.nextLine()。 Trim (). Split (",");
int[]? ary? =? New? int[ss . length];
int? Total? =? 0; //Save the sum of array elements.
For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? Ss. length; ? i++)? {
ary[i]? =? integer . parse int(ss[I]);
total+= ary[I]; //Cumulative sum
arrays . sort(ary); //Sort from small to large
System.out.println ("sum of array elements: \ t"+total);
System.out.println ("Maximum value of array element: \ t"+ary [0]);
System.out.println ("Minimum value of array elements: \ t"+ary [ary.length-1]);
} Run the test
Enter a comma-separated array of elements. Like what? 1,2,3
Sum of array elements: 15
Maximum value of array element: 1
Minimum value of array elements: 5