Li Wei is a veteran of three dynasties. He is a clean official and is not afraid of some powerful people. What he did was to work for the welfare of the people, and then he was deeply loved by the people. At the same time, he hates corruption very much. At that time, there was a court minister named Tang who was suspected of taking bribes. Yongzheng asked Li Wei to investigate. During the investigation, Li Wei searched Tang's home and found 1000 kilograms of ginseng, most of which are rare and precious ginseng varieties, each of which is valuable.
Later, according to Li Wei's investigation, I learned that these ginseng of Tang family were all used as firewood to make a fire, and then cooked some delicious water spinach. Because Tang heard people say that ginseng was used as firewood to make a fire, and the spinach made was delicious and good for his health, so he did it. At the same time, a large number of gold, silver and jewels were found in his home. Yongzheng felt very extravagant and angry after seeing him do this, so he copied him with his door.
When Tang was young, his life was very poor, but later he lost his heart in his official career, so he began to live such a luxurious life, and it was really annoying to use ginseng as a precious medicinal material and food as firewood.