Yuan Fei first saw the Grand View Garden when she visited her mother. She lamented that it was too luxurious. Later, when they met with Jia Mu and others, they all cried. Then I met Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Aunt Xue, and Jia Baoyu, and then I read the plaque. She tried to choose a poem for everyone, and Xue He's people were praised. Baoyu monopolized four songs, and Xue Baochai saw that he used the phrase "green jade is still rolling in spring", reminding him that Princess Yuan didn't like the word "green jade" and told Baoyu to change it to "green wax". Baoyu wrote three poems and thought hard. Daiyu saw that he had only copied one poem, Apricot Curtain in Sight, so she wrote one for him and asked Baoyu to copy it. In fact, Daiyu wanted to show off the wizards tonight, but Yuan Fei only ordered one person to write a poem, so she had to give up. As a result, Yuan Fei was overjoyed and said that the last song was the best. Changed the name of the villa to "Daoxiang Village". After listening to a few more plays, I broke up.
Jia Mu, Wang Fu and others met. Everyone was relatively silent, just sobbing. Finally, Yuan Chunqiang said, "Being sent to that unpleasant place, I finally went home. Everyone just cried, not joking. I went back, and I don't know when I can see you again ... "He began to cry again. The party is ready. Please bring the imperial concubine to the table. The imperial concubine asked her sisters to sing poems with Baoyu. Yuan Chun has a reward for everyone. When he left, he took the hands of Lady Jia and Lady Wang and told them to take care. He told them not to waste the next visit, and then turned away sadly.