The meaning of the number in the ring usually represents purity. For example, when the ring is made of gold with a purity of 75% or 99.9%, it is usually represented by G750 and Au999. If the ring is made of other metals, such as silver, platinum, gold plating and gold plating, the letters before the numbers will be S, Pt, GP/KP and KF respectively.
The meaning of other numbers or letters inside the ring. In addition to the combination of letters and numbers representing the material and purity, there is usually a manufacturer code or brand name on the inside of the ring. Some well-known jewelry brands will engrave brand LOGO or brand abbreviation on their products. For example, Tiffany jewelry brands will engrave Tiffany &; Company name or brand logo.
In addition, rings or other ornaments will also use K to indicate the purity of the material. K is a term in the jewelry industry and a unit used to measure the purity of gold. The well-known 18K and 24K mean that the purity of gold is 75% and 99.9% respectively, among which 24K gold is also considered as pure gold.