Head: Dark spell Kilgardan's ring fell on his shoulder: Call a magic teacher to line his shoulder, and The Eredar twins fell on his chest: If you are a tailor, use Yang Yan, if you are not a tailor, use a bitter robe, or the healing robe [magic light robe] that Mulu dropped for a sun dust. Never put on the coat of conqueror of magical energy. Wrist: Storm Wrist Gloves: Storm Gloves (because of the effect of 4T6, one of the old five must be kept, and keeping gloves is the best choice) Belt: Storm Belt (Brutallus Drop Kit) Legs: Disaster Leggings (Brutallus Drop Kit) Boots: Storm Boots (Fermi Drop Kit) Ring: Fusion Energy Ring (jewelry making, Tradeable) Almighty Ring (Muru Waterfall) Necklace: Free Magic Necklace (The Eredar twins Waterfall) Weapon: Sun Moxibustion Kilgadan Waterfall Deputy: Heart of the Abyss Brutallus Waterfall Jewelry: Gourdain's skull (Illidan Waterfall) Change Lu Na Slice (Muru Waterfall) Gem setting: Colorful head set with 【 Chaotic Skyfire Diamond 】 red hole: 12 yellow hole for damage, first set with 5 hits and 6 injuries.
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