1. Ruby refers to a kind of red gem.
A. the carbonate gemstone of ruby
B. ruby
C. red corundum gem
D. red silicate gemstone
Correct answer: red corundum gem
2. What metal ions color rubies?
A. Iron ions
B. titanium ions
C. manganese ions
D. chromium ion
Correct answer: chromium ion
3. The mineralogical name of emerald is:
A. emerald
B. emerald
C. andalusite
D. sapphire
Correct answer: beryl
4. Opal in gemology has cat's eye effect.
A. golden green jade
C. sapphire
Silver jadeite
Correct answer: Emerald
5. What crystal system does garnet belong to?
A. ternary crystal system
B. tetragonal system
C. hexagonal system
D. equiaxed crystal system
Correct answer: equiaxed crystal system
1. The common crystal forms of diamonds are:
A. cube
B. octahedron
C. rhombic dodecahedron
D. square column
Correct answer: cube # octahedron # rhombic dodecahedron
2. Diamonds have the highest refractive index and hardness among transparent gems in nature.
A. correct
B. mistakes
Correct answer: a
3. The 4C grade evaluation of diamonds includes:
A. color
B. Notes
C. clear
D. cutting
Correct answer: color # clarity # cut.
4, diamond formed in which part of the earth:
A. The Earth's core
B. covering
C. shell
D. surface
Correct answer: mantle
5. What kind of rocks do primary diamonds grow in?
A. Granite
B. sandstone
C. kimberlite
D. marble
Correct answer: Kimberlite