Wang Shiqi is a hero who fought against the enemy. Although he appeared in a minister's house, he didn't have many bad habits like other dude. When he was born, his father dreamed that General Han Qi would give him this child. After the child was born, he named his son after Han Qi, hoping that he would become a useful person and serve the country in the future.
He didn't disappoint his father. At that time, Yang Yinglong, a native of Bozhou, was preparing to rebel. The whole southwest region is terrible, and the troops sent by the imperial court have been defeated. At this critical moment, Wang Shiqi shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the southwest and expelling the rebels. Wang Shiqi solved the court's long-standing heart disease.
Soon after the war subsided, the Japanese army invaded, and the court could not react. At this time, the emperor quickly sent Wang Shiqi to stick to the front. In fact, he knew it was a narrow escape, but Wang Shiqi didn't care anymore. He left his son to his brother and vowed to drive away the enemies led by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. At Wang Shiqi's insistence, he finally protected the territory, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi died of anxiety.
After Wang Shiqi won, he didn't want any reward. He worked hard all day and finally died of overwork. Later, the court thought that he had a high merit and should not die like this, so it ordered many priceless treasures to be buried with him, which was also a compensation for the anti-Japanese hero.