The prince regretted it and worried that Zhao would take advantage of the relationship between Yan and the state to cut down Yan. The Prince of Yan sent someone to release Le Yi, and Xie Zhi said, "The first king was a general throughout the country, and the general avenged the first king for Yan, and the world shook. How dare I forget the general's work in one day! Before the meeting, the king abandoned his minister and I acceded to the throne. I was wrong.
My special envoy rode to rob the general, because the general had been exposed for a long time, so I told him to stop planning. After listening, the general thought there was a gap with me, so he donated Yan to Zhao. It is ok for the general to think for himself, but how can he report the reason why the first king met the general? "
I hope you can send someone to present a book to the prince, saying, "I can't flatter the former king's teachings, so I can't obey the left and right heart, fearing the crime of axe quality, hurting the former king's understanding and harming the first step." Therefore, I fled to Zhao. Conceit is a crime of corruption, and you dare not say it in order to resign. Now that the king has committed the crime of several envoys, I am afraid that I will not notice the reason of the former Wang Xingchen, and the books I dare to use in advance are not white. "
"I smell the king of saints, don't care about relatives, and give it to those who work hard; If you don't follow the official's love, you can cure the almighty. Therefore, those who can examine and grant officials will succeed; He who makes friends by behavior is also a famous person.
In the eyes of scholars, I think the former king made a mistake and was arrogant, so he took a vacation in Wang Wei and learned from Yan. The former king worried too much. He was above the guests, but above the ministers. He didn't ask for his father or brother. The envoy was Yaqing. I think I am innocent, because I was instructed to teach, so I was ordered to leave without saying goodbye.
"My late king ordered me to say,' I hold a grudge and hate Qi. I don't want to be weak, but I want to work for Qi.' The minister said to him: "Fuxi is the legacy of his sudden victory in teaching when he was ruling the country. He is not good at armor and is used to fighting and attacking. If the king wants to cut it, he will take the world and figure it out. Take the world and figure it out, not Zhao Yi. Huaibei, Song, Chu and Wei also have the same wish.
If Zhao Re makes a promise, Chu, Zhao and Song will try their best, and the four countries will attack it, and Qi can break it. The late king said, "Good." I was ordered by the mouth, with the south ambassador in Zhao. Regardless of his life, he rose up and attacked the State of Qi, helping the economy with the help of Heaven, the spirit of the former king and the land of Hebei. The economic troops were ordered to attack together and win. Light soldiers and sharp soldiers, long drive the country.
The king of Qi fled to Ju, only to escape. Pearl jade treasures, chariot jewelry, all income Yan. Lu Chen was born in Yuan Ying, so Ding is opposite the calendar room and is in Ningtai. Ji Shan was planted in Huangwen. I'm not the first king since Wuzi. The late king thought that he would obey his will and take the minister as his life, so he split the land and sealed the Hou, making it comparable to the princes of small countries. I don't think I'm innocent, because I think I was ordered to teach, so I was ordered to resign. "
"I am the king of Wen Xianming, and I have achieved something without wasting it, so I wrote it in Spring and Autumn Annals. People who know fleas are immortal, so they are called descendants. If the former king avenged and conquered a country of thousands of people for 800 years, and one day he abandoned his minister, he became a minister of the current dynasty, so he could obey the law, be obedient to evil, give alms and be a servant, which can be taught to future generations. "
"I don't necessarily smell the author well, and a good beginning doesn't necessarily die well. The former Wu Zixu said that he listened to He Lu, so the prince was far away from Ying; There is also a floating river in Fucha. So Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, didn't realize that he could make contributions first, so he sank his son and regretted it. Zixu did not see the difference in the main quantity, so he entered the river unchanged. "
"Husband from the body, the first trace of the Ming king, I also on this plan. Those who leave shame and fall into the name of the former king will have great fear of my position. Those who commit unexpected crimes and benefit from good or bad luck dare not speak out. "
"I smell the ancient gentleman, and I will never make a bad sound; Loyal ministers go, and their names are not clean. Although I am a good minister, I have taught you a lot from a gentleman. I am afraid to wait on the relatives of the charioteer, but I don't pay attention to the journey of alienation. Therefore, I dare to use books and newspapers, and I only pay attention to it.
Le Yi, the monarch of the State of Chang, joined forces with five armies to fight for Yan Zhaowang and invaded Qi, including more than 70 cities, which were under the control of Yan. Yan Zhaowang died before the three cities were occupied. Yan Wanghui succeeded to the throne, fell into the trap of Qi people, suspected, and sent a rider to rob him instead. Le Yi fled to Zhao, who made him king. Tian Dan, the general of Qi, tricked the cavalry, defeated the Yan army, recovered more than 70 cities and restored the territory of Qi.
The Prince of Yan regretted it, fearing that Zhao would take advantage of the defeat of the State of Yan to appoint Le Yi to attack the State of Yan, so he sent someone to blame Le Yi and apologize to Le Yi, saying, "The late king entrusted the whole State of Yan to the general, who attacked the State of Qi for the State of Yan and avenged the late king. People all over the world were shocked. How dare I dwell on the general's exploits! It's a pity that my late king abandoned me. I just succeeded to the throne and cheated me.
But I sent a ride instead of the general to rob, just because the general has been fighting in the wild for a long time, so I transferred the general back to China to rest and recuperate, and the Shang country * * *. However, the general mistakenly believed in rumors, alienated from me, and abandoned Yan State and went to Zhao State. Of course, you can plan for the general himself; But how can I repay my late king's kindness to the general? "
Looking at you, Le Yi sent a letter to answer King Hui:
"I can't flatter the legacy of my late king and obey the wishes of the king. I'm afraid I'll be punished by knives and axes when I come back, which will damage the understanding of my late king and make you lose to this monarch and his subjects. So I had to go to Zhao, charged with immorality and didn't want to confess. Now the king sent someone to count the sins of his ministers. I'm afraid the king's left and right sides can't understand why the former king used me again, let alone why I took the former king's mind and dared to write back to the king.
"I heard that Xian Jun didn't give his personal reward to relatives, but only gave them more merits; People who don't casually grant their favorite positions can only be appointed if they are quite qualified. Therefore, it is the monarch who has made great achievements by inspecting talents and appointing officials; Making friends with virtue is a saint who builds a reputation.
Based on what I have learned, I think that the former king was superior to the secular ideal in handling state affairs, so he borrowed an envoy from Wang Wei and was able to visit Yan State in person. The late king paid too much attention to the minister, so he chose him from the guests and put him above the minister. Without consulting with the royal elders, he was appointed Yaqing.
I thought I could follow orders and teachings and get away with it, so I accepted the appointment without concession.
The late king ordered his ministers to say,' I have a deep feud with Qi, and even though the country is small, I will avenge Qi.'
The minister replied: "Qi has a tradition of hegemony, winning many wars, being familiar with the military and being good at attacking wars. If the king wants to cut Qi, he must mobilize all the forces in the world to deal with it. To mobilize the forces of the world, it is best to form an alliance with Zhao. There is also Huaibei, which was originally the land of Song State, and was later annexed by Qi State. Both Chu and Wei want a piece of the action.
If Zhao agrees, he will try his best to help Chu and Wei, and attack them with the power of the four countries, so that Qi will be greatly broken. The late king said, "Good!" I accepted the order and got ready for Jeff to go south to Zhao. I will return to China soon and send troops to attack Qi. Following heaven, relying on the prestige of the former king, the land of Qi State north of the Yellow River was owned by Yan State, and the Yanjun on the water was ordered to attack and won a great victory.
The foot soldiers went into battle lightly and marched straight into the capital of Qi. The King of Qi fled to Ju, and survived. All pearls, jade articles, chariots, armor and precious utensils belong to Yan State. Lv Zhongchen was listed in the Yuanying Hall, the Baoding of Yan State was transported back to Lishi Hall, and all the treasures of Qi State were placed in Taining of Yan State. It turned out that the flag of Yan State in Qiujili was planted in the bamboo fields on both sides of the Wenshui River in Qi State. Since the Five Overlords, no one can catch up with the exploits of the former king.
The first king was very comfortable, thinking that the minister did not delay his order, he cracked the soil seal and made the envoy compare with the prince of a small country. I was incompetent and confident that I could obey orders and teachings and get away with it, so I accepted the knighthood without hesitation.
It is said that a wise monarch will not let his achievements be abandoned, so he can go down in history; A wise man with foresight will never let it corrupt after he becomes famous, so he will be praised by future generations. Revenge, like the former king, conquered a powerful country with 10 thousand chariots and confiscated its 800-year savings. Until the day of his death, he left his last words, telling his successor to let the ruling officials abide by laws and regulations, appease relatives and friends, and extend to the slaves of the people. This can educate future generations.
"I heard that being good at creation is not necessarily good at completion, and a good beginning is not necessarily a good end. Once upon a time, Wu Zixu persuaded He Lv, so the prince of Wu was able to make an expedition to the capital of Chu. Fu Cha did not believe that Wu Zixu's foresight could make contributions, so he drowned Wu Zixu in the river without regret. Wu Zixu could not foresee the difference between old and new owners, and did not change his resentment until he was thrown into the river.
Therefore, it is my best policy to get rid of difficulties and protect the great achievements of Qi to show the merits of my former king. My biggest fear is being treated wrongly with slander and insult, which ruined the good reputation of my late king. Facing the crime of accident, but helping Zhao attack Yan, I would never do such an unjust thing.
"I heard that ancient gentlemen cut off friends and did not slander each other; Loyal ministers left the country with resentment and did not express themselves. Although I have no talent and have been taught by gentlemen many times, I am afraid that your majesty will believe the slanders around me, so I take the liberty to write back and explain that I hope you will consider it more. "
From: Le Yi's The Warring States Policy Yance II.
Extended data:
Background of article creation
This article was written in 279 BC. After his death, Yan acceded to the throne. Yan Huiwang had bad blood with Le Yi, so he sent someone to take the book back to Le Yi and designated him as a robber. So I ran to find Zhao.
Later, Tian Dan of Qi defeated the Yan army with a fire bull array, and the lost land was completely recovered. Yan was weak and had to cede territory for peace. At this time, King Yan Hui remembered Le Yi's contribution and invited Le Yi to return to Yan, but in the letter he accused Le Yi of abandoning Yan. I'm sorry for your kindness. And Yan Hui the King.
The text is composed of two different genres written by two authors-notes and comments. Without the first part of the narrative, it is really difficult for readers to correctly understand the contents of the biography of the prince. Because the first part has initially introduced the true image of Yue being slandered, it is easier to understand its content by reading The Legend of the Prince.
The author's attitude in writing the first part is obviously full of sympathy and respect, and hatred and disgust for Yan. So the tone of these two parts is the same.
Le Yi, whose date of birth and death is unknown, was a famous soldier in the Warring States Period. Le Yi, a former minister of Zhao, went to the State of Yan and was valued and trusted by Yan Zhaowang, so he stayed and was named Yaqing. In the 28th year of Yan Zhaowang, Le Yi led the troops to break the Qi army, and made outstanding achievements. After Zhao Haoqi's death, King Hui acceded to the throne, relieved the military power and fled back to Zhao. Zhao Wang named him Wang Jun and died in Zhao.
Yang Le, the ancestor of Le Yi, was a general under Wei Wenhou, the founding monarch of Wei. Led the troops to capture Zhongshan (see the battle of Wei destroying Zhongshan), and was sealed in Lingshou for his merits. After Yang Le's death, he was buried in Lingshou. Since then, the descendants of Xerox have settled here for generations. After the restoration of Zhongshan, it was destroyed by King Wuling of Zhao (see the battle of Zhao attacking Zhongshan) and became a Zhao. ?
Le Yi is a clever young man who likes the art of war. He was recommended to be an official in Zhao. King Wuling was besieged and starved to death in Dune Palace, and left Zhao for Wei.
Later, he heard that because Zi was in power, Yan was in chaos and was defeated by Qi, so he hated Qi deeply and never forgot to avenge Qi for a day. Yan is a weak country, located in a remote place, and its national strength is not lost to the enemy. So he degraded himself to corporal Zunxian. He respected Guo Kun as the first to attract the world's wise men.
Just then, Le Yi went to Yan State to see King Zhao Wei, and the prince received him as a guest. Le Yi refused to be self-effacing, and finally presented a gift to Yan Zhaowang, expressing his willingness to devote himself to being a liegeman. Yan Zhaowang appointed him as Yaqing, and he held this position for a long time.
In 279 BC, Yan Zhaowang died, and Prince Lezi ascended the throne, calling him King Yan Hui. Yan Huiwang was dissatisfied with Le Yi when he was a prince. After Tian Dan of Qi acceded to the throne, he realized that he had a contradiction with Yan, so he used a double spy and said, "Only two cities were not occupied by Qi.
The reason why I didn't take it off as soon as possible was because I had a grudge against the newly acceded monarch of Yan State, and I was on and off, deliberately delaying my stay in Qi State and preparing to be king in Qi State. Qi is worried that other generals will come. When Yan was suspicious, he was inspired by the conspiracy of Qi, so he sent a riding robber as a general and recalled him.
Le Yi knew that it was malicious for Yan Huiwang to send someone to replace him. Afraid of being killed after returning home, he surrendered to Zhao in the west. Zhao Guan gave this place to Tianjin and made it king. Zhao has great respect for Yan and Qi.
Tian Chan of the State of Qi later went to war with the State of Qi. Sure enough, he set up a scam to confuse the Yan army with tricks. As a result, he defeated the troops who rode the robbery at the gate of Jimo, and then struggled to catch up with the Yan army, chased it to the edge of the Yellow River, recovered all the cities of Qi, and welcomed King Qixiang back to the capital Linzi from Juyi.
King Yan Hui regretted sending cavalry to rob instead of sending cavalry, which led to the defeat of the Yan army and the loss of land in Qi. However, he was very dissatisfied with surrendering to Zhao, fearing that Zhao would take advantage of the defeat and fatigue of Yan State to send him to attack Yan State.
King Hui of Yan sent someone to blame Zhao and apologized to him at the same time, saying, "The first king entrusted the whole state of Yan to the general, and the general avenged the defeat of Yan, and the world shook. How dare I forget the general's contribution one day! It happened that my late king passed away, and when I first acceded to the throne, people around me delayed me.
I sent Qi Robber instead of the general because the general has been away for many years, so it is better to recall the general to rest for a while and discuss the politics of Shang Dynasty. I don't want the general to listen to the rumors by mistake and think that there is disagreement with me, so he abandoned Yan and joined Zhao. It's okay for the general to think for himself, but how can he stand the former king's deep affection for the general? "
To this end, Le Yi generously wrote the famous letter to King Yan Hui (there is controversy here, and some people think that the letter to King Yan Hui was disguised by tourists as exaggerating the cooperation of Le Yi's single mastermind).
The unreasonable accusations and hypocritical whitewashing of King Hui in the book show his loyalty to the former king, and also show that he and the former king knew each other very well. He refuted all kinds of accusations and misunderstandings of Hui Wang, expressed his indignation at his failure, and affirmed his fighting spirit of leaving because of Wu Zixu's historical lesson that "a good writer may not succeed, and a good beginning may not have a good ending".
So Yan Wanghui named Le Yi's son Le Jianchang Guo Jun; Go back and forth between Zhao and Yan, and get back together with Yan. Yan and Zhao both appointed him as a guest of honor. Died in Zhao.
Yan's army, under the command of Yan, pursued troops all the way to Linzi, the capital of Qi. When King Qi Gui saw that the lonely city in Linzi was difficult to keep, he fled to Juyi and held on. Le Yi led the troops to patrol the occupied area alone, and all the cities of Qi held fast to the city and refused to surrender.
Le Yi concentrated his efforts on attacking Linzi, and after winning Linzi, he seized all the property of Qi State and the articles sacrificed in the ancestral temple and transported them to Yan State. Yan Zhaowang was overjoyed. He personally rushed to the shore of Jishui to reward the troops, rewarded the soldiers with wine and meat, and conferred the title of Chang Guo, and made Chang Hou.
When the captured booty was brought back to Yan State, the troops continued to attack the cities that Qi State had not captured.
Le Yi stayed in Qi State for five years and captured more than 70 cities in Qi State, which were all classified as counties of Yan State. Only Ju 'an and Jimo didn't appease them. Yan has become stronger than before. Le Yi believes that if we break the city by force alone, we can't convince it and the people won't accept it. Even if we all occupy Qi, we can't consolidate it.
Therefore, he adopted the policy of encircling Cheng Ju and Jimo without attacking, and implemented the policies of reducing taxes, abolishing excessive taxes, respecting local customs and habits, protecting the inherent culture of Qi, and giving preferential treatment to local celebrities, which fundamentally disintegrated Qi.