Some of these 36 lines are household names, such as Confucius, who reads books. Confucius pursues literary knowledge and seeks teachers thousands of miles away. No matter how long and dangerous the journey is, he must go as long as he hears that there are people who know the ropes there. I read a text in elementary school that Confucius went to Laozi to learn from his teacher. On the way, I slept in the wind, the sun and the rain, and finally I went to Qufu to find Lao Zi. Cai Lun, a paper merchant, is also famous. Cai Lun's papermaking promoted the new history of ancient paper making. Papermaking has therefore become one of four great inventions of ancient china, which enjoys equal fame with printing, gunpowder and compass.
Shennong, as a farmer, had a story of Shennong tasting a hundred herbs in ancient times. Because of this, people can know which herbs can treat which diseases. Carpenter Lu Ban, it is said that Master Lu Ban has many inventions. Such as saws, shafts, ladders, etc. Only in this way can people's work efficiency be improved. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Fei is the representative of the butcher's route. Relying on our own strength, we can conquer the world for our eldest brother Liu Bei.
Ok, Bian Xiao will take you here today. I believe everyone has different opinions. If you have anything to share with us, you can leave a message at the bottom of the comments section.