When Qin Ershi was emperor, Zhao Gao, the prime minister, wanted to rebel, so he tried it first for fear that other officials would disagree. He gave II a deer and said, "This is a horse." The second one smiled and said, "The Prime Minister was wrong and called the deer a horse." Ask the people next to you, some don't talk, some say it's a horse, and some say it's a deer. Afterwards, Zhao Gao secretly killed the man who said it was a deer.
2. Ye Gong Haolong
In ancient times, there was a Lord Ye who loved dragons. Dragons are painted on utensils and carved on houses. When Zhenlong knew about it, he went to Ye Gong's house and put his head in the window. When Ye Gong saw it, he turned pale with fear and ran away.
3, chicken calls dog thieves
During the Warring States Period, Meng Changjun of Qi State was captured by Qin State. One of his hangers-on pretended to be a dog, sneaked into Qin Gong at night, stole the fox white fur that had been given to the king of Qin, and gave it to Aiji, the king of Qin, before being released. Meng Changjun arrived at Hangu Pass in the middle of the night, and the gate was closed. Another of his doormen imitated the cock crow and tricked him into opening the door, so he had to flee to Qi.
4. Steal bells from your ears
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhi Bo, a nobleman of the State of Jin, was defeated. Someone took the opportunity to steal from Fan's house and took a fancy to a big clock. The man tried to break it and take it away, but the knock was so loud that he covered his ears and thought he couldn't hear it. As a result, as soon as he rang the doorbell, people heard the bell rush in and caught the thief.
Step 5 apologize humbly
During the Warring States Period, Lian Po, the general of Zhao State, was at odds with Lin Xiangru, the minister. Later, he realized that it was not good for the country, so he took off his coat and went to Lin Xiangru with thorns to apologize and asked him to punish him with thorns.
6. Buy a gift and return the pearls.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a jeweler in the State of Chu. He often travels between Chu and Zheng, doing some jewelry business. One day, he prepared some jewels and planned to sell them to Zheng. In order to attract customers and sell them at a good price, he thought of a good way. He chose some excellent wood, asked craftsmen to make exquisite and novel wooden boxes, and asked skilled sculptors to carve various exquisite patterns on the outside of the boxes. At the same time, he chose different precious spices to make the box emit charming fragrance. The box is ready. It looks golden and smells charming. This is really a rare work of art. He thought that if the jewels were put in these boxes, it would definitely attract Zheng's people. Maybe they would scramble to buy his own jewels, and then they would make a lot of money.
The jeweler carefully put the jewels in a special box and left Zheng with confidence. After arriving in Zheng, he displayed his jewels in a bustling market. Not surprisingly, shortly after the exhibition, many Zheng people gathered to admire his jewelry box. Seeing more and more guests gathered, he was secretly happy and thought that he would make a lot of money.
To his surprise, these Zheng people are not interested in his jewelry, but in the wooden box with jewelry. They are in groups of three, and the topic of discussion is how special the style is and how beautiful the decoration is. This inevitably made him sweat on his forehead. In order to turn people's attention to jewelry, the jeweler screamed at the top of his lungs about how beautiful his jewelry was, but everyone around him turned a deaf ear and still cared about the box containing jewelry.
At this time, Guo picked up the box, studied it carefully, liked it very much, and bought it at a high price. The jeweler was very excited to see a customer finally come to his house. After some bargaining, Zheng Guo gave the money to the jeweler and left with the box. But he just took a few steps, but he turned back. The jeweler thinks he has changed his mind and wants to return the jewels. Who knows that the man walked up to the jeweler, carefully opened the box, took out the jewels inside and handed them to the jeweler, saying, "I left in a hurry just now, but I didn't find any jewels in the box." You must have put it there, sir. I'm here to return the jewels. "
After returning the jewels to the jeweler, Zheng Guoren left happily, muttering, "This wooden box is beautiful, but I earned it." The jeweler took the jewels sent back by Zheng people and was surprised from ear to ear. He thought that the man liked his jewelry, but he didn't expect that the wooden box he prepared was too delicate and stole the limelight of the jewelry, which really made the jeweler smile! It seems that I am not suitable for selling jewelry, but more suitable for selling wooden boxes.
7. Contradictions
From Han Feizi Nan Yi: Chu people have shields and spears, praising: "My shield is strong and I have no difficulties." He praised his spear and said, "The benefits of my spear are all trapped in things." Or: how about putting a spear around a child's shield? "The man, can also. Everyone laughed. Invincible shields and invincible spears cannot coexist.
8. Frog in the well
A frog lives in an abandoned well. One day, the frog met a chinemys reevesii from the sea by the well. The frog boasted to the tortoise, "Look, how happy I am to live here. Sometimes when I am happy, I will jump by the well for a while; Tired, I went back to the well and slept by the brick hole for a while. Or just show your head and mouth and quietly soak your whole body in water: or walk in the soft mud, which is also very comfortable. Look at those shrimps and tadpoles. No one can compare with me. Moreover, I am the owner of this well, and I am extremely free in this well. Why not come to the well to enjoy it often? " The tortoise listened to the frog and wanted to go in and have a look. But its left foot has not been fully inserted, and its right foot has tripped. He quickly took two steps back and told the frog about the sea, saying, "Have you ever seen the sea? Vast territory, not just thousands of miles away; The ocean is over 1000 feet deep. There were nine floods in ancient ten years, and the water in the sea didn't rise much; After eight years and seven years of drought, the water in the sea was not so shallow. It can be seen that the sea is not affected by drought and flood. Living in such a sea is really happy. " The frog in the well listened to the tortoise and stayed there in surprise. There is nothing more to say.
9. Better late than never.
During the Warring States Period, King Xiang of Chu was dissolute and stubborn, and drove Zhuang Xin, the minister who advised him, out of Chu. Qin took the opportunity to conquer and soon occupied Du Ying of Chu. King Xiang of Chu regretted it and sent someone to Zhao to invite Zhuang Xin back. Zhuang Xin said: "It's not too late to see rabbits and love dogs; It's not too late to mend. " Encourage King Xiang of Chu to make great efforts to rally.
10, just fill in the blanks.
During the Warring States Period, Qi Xuanwang, the monarch of the State of Qi, loved music, especially listening to the flute. He has 300 musicians who are good at playing the flute. Qi Xuanwang likes to be lively and ostentatious, and always wants to show the majesty of the monarch in front of people, so every time he listens to the flute, he always asks the 300 people to play for him.
A Chu Shi man named Nanguo heard that Qi Xuanwang likes to listen to ensemble and thought it was a good opportunity to make money. He ran to Qi Xuanwang and boasted, "Your Majesty, anyone who has heard me play the flute is unmoved, even birds and animals will dance and flowers will sway with the beat. I would like to dedicate my stunt to your majesty. " Qi Xuanwang listened happily, accepted him happily, and put him into the 300-member team.
From then on, Chu Shi from the South China took the 300 people to Qi Xuanwang for ensemble, enjoying the same generous treatment as others, and he was very proud.
In fact, southern Chu Shi can't play at all. Every time he goes on stage, Chu Shi from the south is mixed in the team with a shovel. People shook their bodies and he shook his head. He also shook his head, pretending to forget me emotionally on his face, and looked more involved than others. Chu Shi in the south of China lives by cheating day after day, earning a generous salary in vain.
But it didn't last long. A few years later, Qi Xuanwang, who loved ensemble, died, and his son, King Qi, succeeded to the throne. Qi _ Wang also likes to play, but likes to listen to solos. So the king of Qi ordered the 300 men to take turns punching him. Chu Shi in the south is as anxious as a cat on hot bricks. After thinking about it, he felt that he couldn't go on this time, so he had to pack up and run away overnight.
An ignorant person who lives by cheating like Chu Shi in the south can cheat for a while, but not for a lifetime. A fake is a fake, and it will eventually be exposed and disguised because it cannot escape the test of time. The best way for us to succeed is to study hard. Only by practicing a real skill can we resist all difficulties, setbacks and tests.