On his way to Qi, Confucius suddenly heard someone crying and his voice looked sad. Confucius said to the coachman, "This cry, although it sounds sad, is not the sad sound of someone passing away at home!" " "So, I hurried to the front of the carriage to find the sound. Not far away, I saw an unusual man with a sickle and a leucorrhea, crying there, but not mourning. Confucius got off the bus and asked, "Who are you, sir?" The man replied, "My name is Qiu Wuzi. "Now is not the time to mourn." Why are you crying so sad? Qiu Wuzi choked up and said, "I made three mistakes in my life, but I didn't realize it until my later years, but it was too late to regret it." Confucius asked, "Can I listen to your three mistakes?" "I hope you can tell me that there is nothing to hide." Qiu Wuzi said sadly: "I liked reading when I was young, but when I looked for teachers and friends everywhere and came back from traveling around the world, my parents had died, which was my biggest mistake;" In his prime, he served the king of Qi, but the king of Qi was arrogant and extravagant, and lost the hearts of the people. I didn't do my duty as a minister, which was my second biggest mistake. I have always attached great importance to friendship, but now my friends are separated, which is my third biggest mistake. "Qiu Wuzi looked up at the sky and lamented:" The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop; "My son wants to support his parents, but his parents are gone. The past will never come back, it is age; What I will never see again is my parents! Let me live in polite decline from now on! " So, Qiu Wuzi drowned himself. Confucius sighed and said to his disciples, "You should remember this, which is enough for our reference!" "
Truth: Every sincere and upright child has made a big wish of "filial piety" to his parents from the bottom of his heart. He believes that time will be long and will come naturally. When he becomes famous and returns home, he will be able to do his filial piety calmly. But forget the cruelty of time, the shortness of life, the kindness that can never be repaid, and the fragility of life itself. Filial piety is a fleeting attachment, a happiness that cannot be copied, and a thing of the past that is gone forever. To be filial to your parents, you must hurry! When my parents were still alive.
2. A little story of a child with the truth.
A man was very lucky to get a huge and beautiful pearl, but he was not satisfied because there was a small spot on the pearl. He believes that if this dot can be deleted, it will definitely become the most precious wealth in the world.
So he cut off the surface of the pearl, but the spots were still there; He cut off the second layer again, thinking that the spots can be removed now, but they still exist. He peeled off one layer after another, until finally, the spots disappeared and the pearls did not exist. Later, the man was heartbroken and couldn't afford to get sick. Before he died, he said to his family with great regret, "If I hadn't cared about that place at that time, I would still have a beautiful pearl in my hand!" " "
Truth: White jade is slightly flawed, and it is precisely because of that flaw that jade is so rare. Nobody is perfect, and it is precisely because of those imperfections that people have the motivation to constantly challenge perfection. Cherish yourself, make an agreement with your precious self, don't be happy for things, and don't be sad for yourself.
3. Real children's short stories
Once upon a time, a wise man accepted many students. One of the students asked him, "Teacher, can you tell me something about my value?" The teacher took out a stone and said, "Please do something for me first, and then I will tell you the value of life." . If you take this stone to the market, you can't sell it at any price. "
Students take stones to the market to sell, and some people are willing to pay 2 yuan for this stone. No sooner had the man paid the price than some people came. Everyone said that this stone is really bright, and the price has started to increase. They always raise the price of stones to 65,438+00 yuan. The student happily went back to the teacher and said, "Teacher, you can actually sell this stone 10 yuan!" "The teacher said," If you take this stone to the gold market again, no matter how much it costs, it won't sell. "
When the students arrived at the gold market, an old man saw the color of the stone and said it must be the treasure inside. Everyone began to compete for this stone and raised it to the price of 1000 yuan. The students were a little tempted and happily ran back to the teacher and said, "It's amazing that you can sell this stone for 6.5438+0 million yuan!" The teacher smiled and said, "If you take this stone to the jewelry market, you can't sell it no matter how much others pay."
Students took stones to the jewelry market, and when they sold them, someone offered 65,438+10,000. In the blink of an eye, the price of stone has risen to 300 thousand yuan. The student resisted the great temptation to go back and said to the teacher, "I didn't expect you to have such a treasure!" " My task has been completed, so you should tell me the value of this stone. The teacher said to the students, "This stone is really priceless." There are precious jade in it, but you don't know the goods. Maximum value 10 yuan. "
Truth: In fact, everyone is a piece of jade. We should look at ourselves as a jeweler looks at jade. If someone polishes himself, he becomes a piece of jade. The better he polishes himself, the higher his value. Some people guard their own jade and don't polish it all their lives. He has been a worthless stone all his life. This case inspires us to think about the connotation of life value, that is, what is the value of life? What is the key to realize the value of life? How do you view your life value?
4. Real children's short stories
There is a man who wants to hang a picture. He has nails, but no hammer. Neighbors have hammers. So he decided to borrow a hammer from his neighbor.
At this time, he became suspicious: what if the neighbor didn't want to lend me the hammer? He just said hello to me casually yesterday. Maybe he's in a hurry. Maybe he pretended to be in a hurry. In fact, he is very dissatisfied with me. What are you dissatisfied with? I didn't do anything wrong, but he was just oversensitive. If someone borrows tools from me, I will lend them to him at once. Why didn't he borrow it? How can you refuse to help others so little? He thinks I depend on him only because he has a hammer! I've had enough.
So he ran quickly and rang the doorbell. The neighbor opened the door, and before he could say "good morning", the man shouted at him, "Keep your hammer for yourself, you villain!"
Negative thoughts lead to wrong behaviors, and a positive attitude can avoid all unnecessary troubles and mistakes.
5. Real children's short stories
Every morning 1 1, dazzling cars pass by new york Central Park. In addition to the driver, there is also a master in the car-a millionaire who knows everyone.
The millionaire found a man in rags sitting on a stool in the park every morning, staring at his hotel. One day, the millionaire was very interested in this man. He stopped the driver, walked up to the man and said, "I'm sorry, I don't understand why you stare at my hotel every morning."
"Sir," said the poor man, "I have no money, no home and no house, so I have to sleep on this bench, but every night I dream of staying in that hotel."
The millionaire thought it was very interesting, so he said to the man, "I'll let you get what you want tonight." I'll book you a new room in the hotel and pay for the room for one month. "
A few days later, the millionaire passed by the hotel suite where the poor lived and wanted to ask him if he was satisfied. However, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel and returned to the park bench.
When the millionaire came to the park and asked the poor why he did it, the poor replied, "Once I slept on a stool and dreamed that I slept in that luxurious hotel. That's great. I once slept in a hotel and dreamed that I was back on a cold stool. This dream is so terrible that it completely affects my sleep! "
Be swayed by considerations of gain and loss is the most important thing. Don't let unfounded imagination destroy everything beautiful, and don't live on beautiful things that don't exist. No matter what the reality is, facing what you have positively is the choice.
6. Real children's short stories
Yan Hui, a student of Confucius, asked Confucius, "I used to take a boat in a deep pool, and the ferryman steered the boat with great skill, just as God helped me. I asked him,' Can you learn to sail?' He said,' You can learn. People who are good at swimming will practice many times. As for those swimmers who can dive into deep water, even if they have never seen a boat, they can sail it soon as they get started. "I asked him why, but he refused to tell me. Excuse me, what exactly does he mean? "
Confucius said: "A good swimmer can learn to sail after many exercises, because he can ignore the terrible water." . As for the master divers, even if they have never seen a boat, they will soon operate it at the touch, because they regard the abyss as a mountain on the ground and the capsizing of the boat as a retrogressive car on land. Rollover, reversing and other situations appeared in front of him, but they could not disturb his heart. How can he not sail easily? "
Reason: This story tells people that if you really want to master a skill, you must have the corresponding psychology and quality, so that you can be comfortable and relaxed.
7. Real children's short stories
There is a canyon with dangerous terrain and fast-flowing water at the bottom of the canyon, and the so-called bridge is just a few bare iron cables that straddle the cliffs.
A group of four people came to the bridge, a blind man, a deaf man and two people with normal hearing and vision. Four people, one by one, grabbed the chain and marched in the air.
And the result? The blind and the deaf crossed the bridge, so did a man with hearing and sight, and the other fell into the abyss and died.
Aren't people with hearing and sight worse than the blind and deaf?
Yes! His weakness stems from his keen ears and clear eyes.
The blind man said, "My eyes can't see. Fushan Gao Qiao is close, and I climb the rope calmly. "
The deaf said, "I can't hear with my ears, and I can't smell the roar and roar under my feet, so my fear is relatively reduced."
The discerning person crossing the bridge said, "I crossed my bridge." What does the dangerous peak have to do with me? " What does torrent have to do with me? Just pay attention to stability. "
Truth: Face your surroundings positively and don't be intimidated by bravado. You know, most of them are paper tigers. Only a calm and enterprising heart can rule out bluffing and intimidation.
8. Real children's short stories
Once upon a time, there was a painter named Kun An, who was famous for painting tigers. People from dozens of miles away in Fiona Fang came to buy his paintings. One day, another foreigner came to draw a tiger. The tiger he painted is more lifelike. As true as it is, more and more people come to buy foreigners' paintings, and fewer and fewer people buy Kun 'an paintings.
One day, Kun 'an sneaked into a stranger's house and watched the stranger draw a tiger in the crowd. Indeed, the stranger's painting is very realistic and full of aura. After Kun 'an returned home, he packed his luggage and painting tools and quietly left his hometown.
It's been three years since Kun 'an, and people have almost forgotten Kun 'an who painted the tiger. One day Kun 'an suddenly came back. He set up painting tools at home and drew a picture of "Shang Lugen" in a few minutes. He asked someone to give it to the stranger. When outsiders saw his paintings, they immediately came to Kun 'an's home, went forward to worship and called themselves disciples. It turns out that Kun 'an's painting has painted the tiger into his bones. Seeing his paintings is like seeing a tiger standing in front of him. Strangers are ashamed of themselves.
People were surprised, so they asked Kun 'an why he had not seen the tiger for three years, but he was able to draw the tiger so well when he came back. Kun 'an said: "The painting skills of foreigners have reached a superb level, but he came all the way here to paint tigers for a living. Of course, he won't teach me the technology, so I ran to the mountains and hid in the trees every day to observe the image of tigers, recording their every move and then painting them. After a long time, I drew the tiger to life. I worship the tiger as my teacher! "
Truth: Some people, when they meet people who are better than themselves, don't look for shortcomings from themselves and catch up, but try their best to attack and frame each other. Don't you know that it is wise to get motivation from your opponent and let yourself surpass it?
9. True children's short stories
One day, the wolf was walking by the river. Suddenly, he felt very hungry. He caught five big fish.
But the wolf ate too fast, so the fishbone got stuck in the wolf's throat.
The red-crowned crane was about to pass by when it saw a wolf caught by a fishbone. Before it could think carefully, it went to the stream to help the wolf.
The red-crowned crane came to the wolf and said, "Mr. Wolf, what's the matter with you?" Are you stuck with a fishbone? If there is, let me peck it out for you! "The red-crowned crane said without thinking.
The red-crowned crane added, "I can peck it out for you, but don't bite your hand!" " "The wolf struggled and said," I see, help me get the fishbone out quickly! "I promise you everything!"
The red-crowned crane agreed and helped the wolf peck out the fishbone. Who knows that the wolf actually turned around. Just then, a small white rabbit saw it and shouted, "Sister Red crowned crane, be careful! The wolf is going to eat you! " Hearing this, the red-crowned crane quickly flew. The wolf was very angry and went after the rabbit again. Fortunately, the rabbit ran fast, expecting the wolf to catch it in advance, so the dog dug a hole for it in advance, and it hid in that hole. The wolf got lost in the forest, and no one wanted to save it again.
Truth: People can't betray their faith, and don't bite the hand that feeds them. They should repay them in good faith, so that others will help you and trust you.
10. A short story of a child with the truth
A farmer has two buckets. He picks two buckets with a pole every day and goes to the river to fetch water.
Only one of the two buckets has a crack, so every time I go home, this bucket always leaks half a bucket of water, while the other bucket is always full. In this way, for two years, day after day, farmers can only pick a bucket and a half of water from the river to go home every day.
An intact barrel is proud of its perfection, while a cracked barrel is naturally ashamed of its defects and incompetence. After two years of failure, one day by the river, the cracked bucket finally got up the courage to speak to its owner: "I feel ashamed, because there is a crack here and it leaked all the way, so I can only carry half a bucket of water home."
The farmer replied, "Have you noticed? There are flowers on your side of the road, but there are no flowers on the other side? I knew from the beginning that you had loopholes, so I planted seeds on your side of the road. You water them every day on our way home For two years, I often picked some flowers from this roadside to decorate my dining table. If it weren't for your so-called defects, how could I have beautiful flowers to decorate my home? "
Truth: each of us is like a bucket with only cracks, and each of us has some shortcomings. If we have an inclusive heart, know how to find each other's strengths, and can foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, our life will certainly become more relaxed, happy and colorful.