Elam people are probably indigenous people in this area, and their civilization began to develop at about the same time as Ubud in Mesopotamia (5000-4 BC100 BC). They built Susa, one of the oldest cities in the world. A manuscript was built by C. before the end of the Egyptian dynasty (C 6000-C 3 150 BC) in 3200 BC, and it was erected in Giza of the pyramids several centuries ago. Modern scholars divide their history into four periods:
Primitive Elam period (3200 BC-2700 BC)
Old Elam period (about 2700 BC-about 65438 BC+0600 BC)
Central Elam (BC 1500-BC 1 100)
New Elam period (65438 BC+065438 BC+000 BC-539 BC)
These cycles trace Elam civilization from the earliest known existence to its progressive development, and reduce its decline and assimilation, but often ignore its great contribution to the culture of the Near East and other parts of the world. Elam was a major participant in the history of the Near East from 65438 BC to 00 BC. 3,200 degrees Celsius. 539 BC. It established its own empire through weaving, was conquered by Akkadian kingdom, allied with and betrayed by Hammurabi, helped overthrow the Great Assyrian Empire, and was finally absorbed by Achemenid Empire C. After 539 BC, Elam culture continued to exert great influence.
The linear script of Elam people, which records their history, is still undecipherable around 3200-2700 BC.
The early craftsmen of the primitive Elam period were unparalleled at that time. The equality of women is regarded as the legitimacy of different religious beliefs, and the cultures of other civilizations are respected, even when Elam is fighting them.
Here are ten important facts about the ancient Elamites. Although the last nation-state, Elimais, was occupied by Sassanian Empire in 224 AD, they completely disappeared from the historical records, but they left their mark on history through their contribution to Persian culture.
This kind of writing has not been deciphered.
The linear script of Elam people, which records their history, is still undecipherable around 3200-2700 BC. Their language has no known relatives (so it is designated as language isolation), and no cultural relics comparable to the famous Rosetta Stone have appeared to promote translation. When Elam was in closer contact with Sumer and later Akkad, it used cuneiform characters as records and communication. Elam people continued to use cuneiform characters in 2700 BC until 224 AD. In Achaemenid Empire (about 550-330 BC), Elamite cuneiform was used, and Darius I (522-486 BC) used Elamite as one of his three famous languages. However, unless someone translates an earlier linear manuscript, the events of the original Elam period will remain unknown.
The First War in Historical Records
An example lost due to illegible manuscripts is the relationship between Elam and Sumer during this period, and the events that led to the first war in history. Around 2700 BC, Enemi balaji, king of Sumer in Kish, launched a campaign against Elam, which won a great victory and brought the spoils back to Sumer. The incident was learned from the Sumerian King List, which was notorious for its fascinating short entries and did not elaborate on the incident elsewhere. Elam people lost the war, and understandably, they didn't have a strong impulse to record it in cuneiform afterwards.
A completely unique work of art
Early Elam artworks also lacked accompanying written narration, which may clarify the origin of their brand-new artworks. Compared with other civilizations in this region, ceramics, jewelry, stamps and metal products in the primitive Elam period did not exist in the world of that era. Scholars have noticed other civilizations at that time-Sumerians, Akkadians, Egyptians, etc. -Give priority to figures or anthropomorphic animals in their art (just as Egypt combined the cat's head with a woman's body to depict the goddess Bast), while Elam people take animals as the focus of their art, and animals, especially dogs, appear in the relief of Susa, replacing humans, perhaps with double bodies, telling legends or myths. One of the most famous works of art in this period is the kneeled ox container, which was created in 3 100 A.D. in 2900 B.C.. This work is an elaborate silver cow, kneeling, wearing a decorative robe and holding something that looks like a water cup. After closer contact between Elam and Sumer, their art reflected a new relationship, lost originality, but still showed high-level skills.
Susa: an ancient city
Elam people built Susa, one of the oldest cities in the world history, and its history can be traced back to BC. In 4200 BC. Archaeological evidence confirms that the site dates back to BC. In 7000 BC, before the community built the city, it can be traced back to the continuous settlements in 4395 BC. It was an important trade center in the primitive Elam period and flourished in the middle Elam period. It has been paid special attention to by two greatest kings in Elam history-Antash-Napirisha (BC 1275- 1240) and Shu Truck-Nahkunt (R. 1 184-65438). The city is famous for its impressive agricultural development, ceramics, metallurgy and textiles. It became one of the capitals of Achaemenid Empire and remained an important trade, commerce, industry and art center until 12 18 was destroyed by Mongolian invasion.
Believe in polytheism
The Pantheon in Elam is composed of 200 independent gods, presided over by the Supreme God Napilisha.
Elam is a polytheistic religion, which, like other religions of ancient civilizations, focuses on gods representing cosmic forces, regional problems and natural phenomena. The details of religious ceremonies and ceremonies are not clear, but sacred places have been established in mountains, mountains and sacred forests, and the focus of the ceremony-mainly based on the inscriptions found in Susa-is the immortality and afterlife of the soul. The earliest religious relics suggest the worship of the mother god, who may later become the goddess Kirisha, the mother of the gods, and the spouse/wife of Susa and Anshan's guardians Insunak and Hu Ban respectively. The Pantheon in Elam consists of 200 independent gods, presided over by the supreme god Napirisha (Lord of the earth and people), who seem to be worshipped more or less in different parts of Elam. Elam also incorporated the gods of Mesopotamia, especially the Sumerians, into their Pantheon, so they also worshipped Yiya, Yiqi, Ninghelsag and Shamash.
Encourage religious tolerance
These gods are worshipped in a wide area of Israel, mainly including the southern part of modern Iran and a part of Iraq. However, there is no evidence that the rulers forced people to worship, even though the rulers of Elam promoted the people's "Elanization" policy and encouraged cultural and religious standards. There is no record of religious conflicts, persecution or any social unrest caused by different worship methods or focusing on a single god. This tolerance will be fully reflected in the greatest Elam architectural project that still exists today: the temple complex in Dur-Untash.
Dur-untash: Mayor of Templo
One of the most famous Elam kings is the great Antash Nerissa (C 1400-) of the Igi Harki dynasty. C 1200 BC) Who built the Golden Pagoda and the Temple Group Dur-Ontash (also known as Jogazambir) in Elam period in the Middle East? Dur-Untash means "Antash Fort" (or "Antash City" or "Antash Town") in Assyrian, and the modern name of the site is Chogha Zanbil-translated as "Basket Hill" because of its upside-down appearance. Originally, it built a golden tower in memory of Susana, the patron saint of Susana, and then it was demolished to realize a more grand vision: a temple complex for all gods to welcome worshippers from anywhere in Elam. There is a magnificent central pyramid dedicated to Insuhinak, and a temple dedicated to other gods, with three concentric walls around it. The whole structure rose five stories, and the height was 174 feet (53 meters). The temple in Untash-Napirisha embodies the values of religious tolerance of Elam people and was still under construction when the king died. Later, it was abandoned for some reason, as if it had never been really used.
Respect for women's equality
Women in Elam culture are portrayed as equal to men in works of art, and reliefs show the relationship between men and women, which is how ancient artists render the concept of equality. When comparing Elam art with Egyptian reliefs or statues, it is easy to realize that this paradigm always emphasizes the state of a particular character according to its size. (www.Lishixinzhi.Com) There is no written record (such as Persians) to directly explain the equality of women, but Elam art proves that its level can be comparable to that of well-known Egyptian women and later ancient Persian women. One of the best examples is the statue of Queen Naapila Su, the wife of Untash-Npirisha, which depicts the Queen wearing the same royal clothes as the male monarch. Cylindrical seals also depict the image of equality between men and women, usually husband and wife.
Build an empire
Shutruk-Nakhkunte, king of Sutrukidd Dynasty (65438 BC+0200 BC-65438 BC+065438 BC+000 BC), began his reign, and established Elam's grandeur and power by revitalizing, restoring and decorating his city, especially Susa. He and his sons worked under him and later became the rulers of their own cities. He founded the Elam Empire. He is notorious in the history of Mesopotamia, because he looted the city of Chipard, snatched the statue of Marduk borrowed from Babylon, and then marched along Babylon and conquered every city-state along the way. He sent the conquered spoils back to Susa, including some of the most famous cultural relics in Mesopotamia, such as Nalan, the immortal of the Victory Monument, who celebrated the victory in Elanka, and his testimony was engraved on the stone tablet of Hammurabi in Babylon. Due to infighting among family members, Shu Truck-Nakhunter's empire could not survive after his youngest son ruled.
Protection and influence on culture
Through communication with Sumerians, Elam absorbed and retained some of the most important cultural aspects of Sumerians. From the period of Gouellain, Elam craftsmen began to incorporate Sumerian patterns and techniques into their own works. Some of the most famous gods in the Sumerian Pantheon were preserved by Elam, and there may be some aspects of their rituals, although this is speculative. Before the rise of Zoroastrianism, Elam's own religious beliefs, gods and rituals seemed to have influenced the early Iranian religions in the region. Of course, it adopted some early rituals for its own use. The concept of highland sacred space is an aspect of early Iranian religion and Zoroastrianism, just like a god representing the universe or natural forces. In Zoroastrianism, these gods became a part of the only god, Ahumazda, but in early Iranian polytheism, they seemed to have many similarities with the gods of Elam and the Indus Valley. When Elam was incorporated into the Achaemenid Empire, their culture adapted to the needs and values of Persia and continued to develop from BC 10. From 550 BC to AD 65 1 year, the Sassanian Empire of Persia fell into the hands of * * * *. After that, Elam-Persian culture was finally valued by conquerors and spread throughout the Near East.
Between 65438 BC and 000 BC, Elamites were always the center or marginal participants in some of the most important events in the Near East. From 2700 BC to 224 AD, although their civilization and contribution are often overlooked. At the height of his power, Lord Elam was the founder of the king. Comments by scholar Marc Van de Mieroop:
[King Elam] Received letters from Hammurabi of Babylon, Malixin Lilin and others. They declare that they are his "son" rather than his "brother", which is what they often call each other. To them, he is "the great king of Elam". His army put the ruler on the throne of Schubart-Ilir as far north as Syria. Elam's strength comes from the size of its country and the manpower it can muster. The fact that contributes to its prominent position is that it controlled the westward flow of Iranian tin after the end of the Karume-Kanysh river system. This key ingredient in bronze production reached the Mediterranean Sea from Elam to Mali. Elam also maintains close ties with the Deer Gate in the Persian Gulf, so it may monopolize other foreign resources and routes. ( 102- 103)
Although conquered many times in history, Elam people persisted and maintained their own culture and heritage. Finally, their assimilation with the Persian Empire will only further promote their vision, because it retains the basic Elamite values. Just as Elam incorporated Sumerian art and other cultures into their own things, Persians also used Elam culture for their own purposes and preserved it in the process.