Ten graves are buried on a hill, and one grave is rich and nine graves are poor. The same mountain, the same direction, the same water, the same pile of wells. One side is brilliant and rich, and a coffin of muddy water is unique. Sitting in a fire pit sucking mud, Taurus sitting in a hole raising wisteria. If the teacher can understand this truth, he can solve the mystery of yin and yang. The subtle mystery is to know the truth, and the middle problem is divided into two sides. Look where he is angry. He is standing in the middle of the cross. If you don't have the strength to look at both sides, you can get a needle in the middle. Jewelry pits are arranged, and wealth and poverty test like a god. Twenty-four mountains are upside down, and there are jewels on twenty-four mountains. Someone has sat in this cave, from which wealth is sought. Twenty-four mountains are upside down, and there are fire pits on the twenty-four mountains. Someone is sitting in this cave, and his family business is in decline. Just because I don't know how to be angry, I will use the fire pit as jewelry in the future. Some people know this secret and can save the poor in the world. Standing in the head of Luan seeking righteousness, Taurus sat on the hole and started wisteria.