At 3 o'clock in the morning, there was a queue at the entrance of Lingyin Temple. By 6 o'clock, the number had become very large. Lingyin Temple will suspend the purchase of 18 beaded bracelets, hoping to cooperate with the epidemic situation to do a good job in prevention and control. I don't want crowds to be concentrated. The purpose is to ensure the health and safety of tourists and believers. 18 beads bracelets have special significance, but they are nothing compared with human life.
Many people will choose to buy some such bracelets online because there are many materials. Some bloggers actually want to rub some heat and sell more money in this way. If you don't distinguish carefully, you may lose your wife and lose your soldiers. Because they sell online, they actually want to increase their own interests. You should know that the price of each bracelet is different, and there is absolutely no good product if it is cheap.
Generally speaking, everyone must choose to buy in Lingyin Temple, because Lingyin Temple is a legal agent to sell beads. The quality and material of the beads inside can be guaranteed. For Buddhist practitioners, the value of the collection is to hope to have prayer beads for Buddhist practitioners. Sandalwood can calm people's mood. Every time you shake a bead, your mood will be different. Buddhism is the most self-cultivation, so practitioners must be kind-hearted.