int? n,W[ 1000],T,b[ 1000];
Invalid? f(int? t,int? Sum)
int? Me;
if(t & gt; n+ 1)
if(sum & gt; t)
Or what? if(sum==T){
for(I = 1; I & ltt;; i++){
if(b[i]== 1)
printf("W%d=%d?" ,I,W[I]);
printf(" \ n ");
b[t]= 1;
f(t+ 1,sum+W[t]);
b[t]= 0;
f(t+ 1,sum);
int? Master ()
int? P[ 1000],a[ 100000][2],I,j;
while(scanf("%d%d ",& ampn & amp; t)! =EOF){
/* Enter data */
for(I = 1; I < = n; i++)
scanf("%d%d ",& ampW[i],& ampp[I]);
for(I = 0; I<= T;; i++)
a[I][0]= a[I][ 1]= 0;
f( 1,0); //Call a function to solve the problem 1
/*0- 1 knapsack algorithm */
for(I = 1; I < = n; i++){
for(j = 0; j & ltw[I]& amp; & ampj & lt= T; j++)
a[j][I % 2]= a[j][(I+ 1)% 2];
for(; j & lt= T; j++)
if(a[j-W[I]][(I+ 1)% 2]+P[I]& gt; a[j][(i+ 1)%2])
a[j][I % 2]= a[j-W[I]][(I+ 1)% 2]+P[I];
a[j][I % 2]= a[j][(I+ 1)% 2];
printf("max=%d.\n\n ",a[T][n % 2]);
Return? 0;
The input format is:
n? T
W 1? P 1
W2? P2
Wn? promissory note
Result output:
Wk 1? Wk2 ...
Wk 1? Wk2 ...
Max= maximum total price.
5? 10
1? 1
2? 2
3? three
4? four
5? five
W 1= 1? W2=2? W3=3? W4=4
W 1= 1? W4=4? W5=5
W2=2? W3=3? W5=5
max= 10。