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Mondelin Ge affix
Ante- means in front ... for example, brako arm antebrako forearm means the opposite. Such as: bigbigdis bigsmall to the left, left to the right; Permiti allows dispermiti to ban sen- meaning nothing, nothing. For example: lima finite senlima infinite ne- means negative. Nenecesa, for example, is a necessary item of necesa, and ek- is an unnecessary item, indicating the start or sudden occurrence of an action. For example, worki works, ekworki started working, eks-meaning the former. For example, the mayor of urbestro, the former mayor of eksurbestro, re- means again, return, repeat. For example, legi reads relegi and rereads miss- indicating an error. For example, kompreni understands that miskompreni misunderstood mal——mal means bad, bad and derogatory. Such as: Bona, good Marbona, bad Bella, beautiful MarBella, ugly Bo-indicating in-laws relationship. For example, patrulo's father, bopatrulo's father-in-law, step-indicates inheritance. For example, the mother of Patrino and the stepmother of Stepatrino, pra- stands for a distant generation. For example, humo's ancestor pre- means in advance. For example, Vidy saw that Previdi foresaw "beyond" and "outside". Such as: sonosound ultra sonoultrasonic viola purple ultra viola vis-meaning "vice". In addition, some prepositions, such as en and for, can also be used as prefixes: iri goes, eniri enters Las Vegas and tells forlasi to give up.

When the letter after the prefix is the same as the first letter of the root, write a letter, such as malonga -an- for members, residents, disciples, etc. Such as: chino China-China no China urban city-urban citizen-ad-indicates the continuity of action. For example, lerni-lernado learning labi labor-laborado continuous labor-ar-stands for aggregate. For example, humo people-Humaro people arbotree-arboforest-er-represent the molecules that make up something. For example, pluvo rain-pluvero raindrop nivo snow-nivero snowflake -ey- indicates the location. For example, libro book-libreyo bookstore, lerni learning lerneyo school-ach-means something specific. For example, Ji Man eats Mangacho food, and Harvey has Havacho attribute -ech- which means abstract nature. Amiko's friend Amike CHO Friendship-or-means someone related to the root. You Na's young youngster -ul- is active. For example, the husband means no. Such as: Philo's child Filino's daughter doctrine-expressionism, theory. For example, Budo Budismo Budismo Budismo Budismo Budismo Budismo Max-ist stands for experts, scholars and thinkers. Such as: sienco science sienchisto scientist-ID-stands for descendants and descendants. Such as: King kingo, Prince kinigo-il- indicating tool. For example, ludi plays ludilo toys -iz, which means to make, make. For example, pura clean purizi clean -is- means becomes, becomes. For example, dawn in the daytime means approaching ... slightly ... such as: wayta white waytisha white -ing- means inserting. For example: glavo knife glavingo sheath -uy- stands for container. For example, bani bath Banuyo Bath-eg-means big. Lafite smiles. Lafite smiles -et- means small. For example, domo house dometo small house -ebl- stands for possibility. For example, Vidy saw videbla's visual -em indication tendency. For example, eksplodi exploded, and eksplodema exploded easily-ind-indicating that it was worth it. For example, lovi loves lovinda. Cute -estr- means "leader, leader." For example, the mayor of urbo city-Vard-means direction. For example, westvarda to the west of westa means -od- to the west, and like -oz- means full. For example: Kromo color Kromoza color-UB-indicates position and orientation. For example, the mayor of urbestro, the position of mayor of urbestrubo-um-represents metal. Such as iron sodium iron sodium note:

1. Suffixes -orulo and -anulo can be abbreviated as -ulo, for example: aktulo=aktorulo Actor chinulo=Cinanulo from China.

Suffixes -orino and -anino can be abbreviated as -ino, for example: aktino=aktorino actress Cinino=Cinanino China woman.

2. Suffix -ist- and -or-, the former means experts, scholars and activists, and the latter means ordinary people. Cantisto singer Candoro singer

3. Prefix and suffix can be used as independent words. For example, disa is the opposite, eki begins, ilo tool.