Food and products 369
Basic standard 13
1 terminology of milling industry 1 GB/T 8872- 1988 national standard
2 petroleum industry terminology 1 GB/T 8873- 1988 national standard
Terminology of general technology and equipment for grain and oil GB/T 8874- 1988 national standard
4 terminology of rice milling industry 1 GB/T 8875- 1988 national standard
5 Terminology of Grain, Oilseeds and Their Processed Products 1 GB/T 8869- 1988 National Standard
6 starch (including derivatives and by-products) terminology1GB/t12104-1989 national standard.
7 feed industry terminology1GB/T10647-1986 national standard
Hygienic standard for compound feed enterprises1GB/t16764-1997 national standard.
9 feed processing equipment terminology 1 GB/T 18695-2002 national standard
10 terms and quality of grain, oilseeds and their processed products1ls/t1102-1988 industry standard.
1 1 terminology of grain and oil storage equipment1ls/t11-1988 industry standard.
12 academic language of crude oil morphology and structure1ls/t103-1992 industry standard.
13 technical terms of noodle production1ls/t1104-1993 industrial standard.
Product standard 159
Catalogue of national standards and industry standards related to grain industry
No. Project Name Standard Code Standard Nature The drafting unit adopts standard instead of standard remarks.
Grain 62
Raw grain 32
14 wheat1GB1351-1999 national standard.
15 national standard for high quality wheat and strong gluten wheat1GB/t17892-1999.
16 national standard for high quality wheat and weak gluten wheat GB/t 17893- 1999.
17 national standard for wheat variety quality1GB/t17320-1998
18 rice1GB1350-1999 national standard.
19 national standard for high-quality rice1GB/t17891-1999.
20 national standard of corn1GB1353-1999
2 1 national standard of corn for starch fermentation industry1GB/t 8613-1999
22 feed corn1GB/t17890-1999 national standard
23 national standard of sorghum1GB/t8231-1987.
24 millet 1 GB/T 8232- 1987 national standard
25 national standard of sweet potato chips for fermentation 1 GB/T 8609- 1988
26 national standard of sweet potato chips for starch industry1GB/t 8610-1988
27 buckwheat1GB/t10458-1989 national standard
28 broad bean1GB/t10459-1989 national standard.
29 pea1GB/t10460-1989 national standard.
30 adzuki bean1GB/T1-1989 national standard
No. Project Name Standard Code Standard Nature The drafting unit adopts standard instead of standard remarks.
3 1 mung bean1GB/t10462-1989 national standard
32-meter barley1GB/t11760-1989 national standard.
33 Xiaomi1GB/T13355-1992 National Standard
34 Ji1GB/T13357-1992 National Standard
35 national standard of naked oats1GB/T13359-1992
36 brown rice1GB/T18810-2002 national standard
Barley1ls/t 310/-1985 industry standard
38 oat1ls/t 3102-1985 industry standard
39 industry standard for beans, jar beans, refined Mi Dou, lentils1ls/t 3103-1985.
40 sweet potato (sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato)1ls/t 3104-1985 industry standard
4 1 potato (potato, potato)1ls/t 3106-1985 industry standard.
42 cocoa beans1ls/t3221-1994 industry standard
43 cocoa powder 1 LS/T 3222- 1994 industry standard
Cocoa butter 1 LS/T 3223- 1994 industry standard
45 cocoa liquid 1 LS/T 3224- 1994 industry standard
Finished product 30
46 national standard of wheat flour1GB1355-1986
47 National Standard for High Gluten Wheat Flour 1 GB/T 8607- 1988
48 National Standard for Low Gluten Wheat Flour 1 GB/T 8608- 1988
No. Project Name Standard Code Standard Nature The drafting unit adopts standard instead of standard remarks.
49 National Standard for Rice1GB/T1354-1986
50 corn flour1GB/t10463-1989 national standard
5 1 Xiaomi1GB/t11766-1989 GB.
52 Xiaomi1GB/T13356-1992 National Standard
53 National Standard Jimmy1GB/T13358-1992
54 naked oats flour1GB/t13360-1992 national standard.
55 National Standard for Edible Soybean Meal1GB/T13382-1992
56 national standard of edible peanut cake1GB/T13383-1992.
57 sorghum rice1ls/t 3215-1985 industry standard
58 sweet potato chips1ls/t 3105-1985 industry standard
59 Handmade Noodles1LS/T 3214-1992 Industry Standard
Wheat flour for bread1ls/t3201-1993 industry standard
6 1 wheat flour for noodles 1 LS/T 3202- 1993 industry standard
Jiaozi powder 1 LS/T 3203- 1993 industry standard.
63 bread1QB1252-1991industry standard
64 dried noodles1ls/t 3212-1992 industry standard
65-color dried noodles1ls/t 3213-1992 industry standard
66 food additive modified soybean phospholipids 1 LS/T 3225- 1990 industry standard
67 Wheat Flour for Steamed Bread 1 LS/T 3204- 1993 Industry Standard
No. Project Name Standard Code Standard Nature The drafting unit adopts standard instead of standard remarks.
68 wheat flour for fermented biscuits 1 LS/T 3205- 1993 industry standard
69 wheat flour for crispy biscuits 1 LS/T 3206- 1993 industry standard
70 wheat flour for cake 1 LS/T 3207- 1993 industry standard
7 1 pastry wheat flour 1 LS/T 3208- 1993 industry standard
72 spontaneous wheat flour 1 LS/T 3209- 1993 industry standard
73 wheat embryo (embryo slice, embryo powder)1ls/t 3210-1993 industry standard
74 sesame paste 1 LS/T 3220- 1996 industry standard
75 soybean milk crystal1ls/t 3216-1989 industry standard
Grease 42
Petroleum 12
76 National Standard for Soybean1GB1352-1986
77 National Standard of Soybean for Oil Industry1GB/T 8611-1988
78 National Standard GB/t86 12- 1988 for Soybean for Bean Food Industry
79 National Standard for Peanut1GB/T1532-1986
80 peanut kernel1GB/T1533-1986 national standard
8 1 sesame1GB/t11761-1989 national standard.
82 rapeseed1GB/t11762-1989 national standard.
83 cottonseed1GB/t11763-1989 national standard.
84 sunflower seeds1gb/t11764-1989 national standard.
No. Project Name Standard Code Standard Nature The drafting unit adopts standard instead of standard remarks.
Flaxseed1GB/T15681-1995 national standard.
86 castor seed1ls/t 3107-1985 industry standard
87 fresh olive 1 ZB B66 003- 1990 industry standard
Grease 30
88 National Standard of Peanut Oil 1 GB 1534-2003
89 National Standard for Soybean Oil 1 GB 1535-2003
90 rapeseed oil1GB1536-1986 national standard
9 1 cottonseed oil 1 GB 1537-2003 national standard
92 sunflower oil 1 GB 10464-2003 national standard
93 sesame oil 1 GB/T 8233- 1987 national standard
94 castor oil 1 GB/T 8234- 1987 national standard
95 linseed oil 1 GB/T 8235- 1987 national standard
96 tung oil 1 GB/T 8277- 1987 national standard
97 national standard of camellia oil1GB1kloc-0/765-2003
98 national standard of edible palm oil GB/t 15680- 1995
General technical conditions of 99 advanced edible oil1GB/t17757-1999 national standard.
100 general technical conditions for salad oil GB/t 17756- 1999 national standard.
10 1 rapeseed oil salad oil 1 LS/T 3227- 1987 industry standard.
102 edible blending oil1sb/t10292-1998 industry standard
No. Project Name Standard Code Standard Nature The drafting unit adopts standard instead of standard remarks.
103 soybean salad oil 1 LS/T 3226- 1987 industry standard
104 peanut salad oil 1 LS/T 3228- 1988 industry standard
105 cottonseed salad oil 1 LS/T 3229- 1988 industry standard
106 sunflower seed salad oil 1 LS/T 3230- 1988 industry standard
107 rice bran salad oil1ls/t3231-1988 industry standard.
108 peanut advanced edible oil 1 LS/T 3232- 1988 industry standard
109 cottonseed advanced edible oil 1 LS/T 3233- 1988 industry standard
1 10 sunflower seed advanced edible oil 1 LS/T 3234- 1988 industry standard
11/advanced edible oil from rice bran 1 LS/T 3235- 1988 industry standard.
1 12 advanced rapeseed oil 1 LS/T 3236- 1987 industry standard.
1 13 advanced soybean edible oil 1 LS/T 3237- 1987 industry standard
1 14 corn germ oil 1 LS/T 3238- 1987 industry standard.
1 15 refined rice bran oil 1 LS/T 3239- 1989 industry standard
1 16 margarine (margarine)1ls/t3217-1987 industry standard.
1 17 shortening1ls/t 3218-1992 industry standard.