The King of Qin appointed Zhang Yi to take Yong Rui and Gong Zi Yan Hua to negotiate in the Yi Canal. Zhang Yi and his party came to Yiqu and frankly saw that Yiqu was affected by the disaster. They were willing to redeem Mi Yue with a lot of jewels. Zhaili didn't give up Mi Yue, but the counselor Lao Wu advised him to be reasonable, and Zhaili hesitated. Mi Yue was banned in a tent. At that time, I heard that someone had caught a thief stealing sheep outside, and claimed that the thief was a yellow-tongued child who grew up with wolves. Mi Yue is curious and wants to go out and have a look.
Childe Flower and the Results of Zhang Yi's Mission to Yi Qu;
Gongzi Hua and Yi Yi went to Yiqu and successfully persuaded Yiqu King. Yiyi came to see Mi Yue and persuaded Mi Yue and Miwa to enter Xianyang together. Mi Yue had no nostalgia for the imperial affairs, and ignored Zhang Yi's suggestion. Yi cheung refused to give up, continued to retain, and frankly, Mi Yue with an old man and a little mobility inconvenience, and the mastermind of the murder of Huang Xie was another man, so that Mi Yue could find out the mastermind and avenge Huang Xie.
Mi Yue had long believed that the person who hurt Huang Xie was from Yi Qu, so he didn't understand what Yi Cheung said. Zhang Yi went on to say that although the people who murdered Mi Fei and Huang Xie were all from Yiqu, someone must have tipped them off before that, speculating that this person was probably from Qin Hougong. Mi Yue suddenly realized that in order to find out the murderer of Huang Xie, Mi Yue promised to enter Xianyang with Mi Fei.
Mi Yue told Mi Shu that she would like to enter Xianyang with her. Mi Zhu was overjoyed, but Mi Yue made three conditions: one was to take Xiao Ran away, the other was not to work for the king, and the third was that if something happened to her one day, he hoped that Mi Zhu would take care of Xiao Ran and Gugui, and Mi Zhu agreed.