The first Jinshi, from Lizhou County. Xi Ning Chu was recommended by Wang Anshi.
An Shi told him that he was asking about exemption from service, and according to the old law, he was honest and correct. An Shi said: "We will definitely achieve the new law."
Bai, who was visiting current affairs, was summoned and said to him, "Your Majesty's intention is to facilitate the people, and the law is not evil, but the officials are not the people. The meaning of the imperial court legislation is the same, but the opinions of the four parties are different, and your majesty cannot completely abide by the law and make the people sick.
Your majesty doesn't know about the floods in Heshuo, the droughts in Henan, the droughts in Qi and Jin, the locusts in Huai and Zhejiang, and the plagues in the south of the Yangtze River. "The master of the emperor that life inexpensive vibration, in addition to SiNong into.
I also reported my purpose, judge of Zhuozhou transshipment road, Fu Nong. In order to supervise the suggestion, he made a suggestion: "Don't be in a hurry to get talents if you want to become a thing in the world. I hope that the two systems will be promoted by their close ministers and transshipment. "
Everyone recommends one person. It went on to say, "Cold is a distant servant. Since it is famous all over the world, I hope that the Chinese book can judge its ability and use it, and the world will do what it does."
He also said: "Compared with the floods and droughts in the past, the people and the Mongols have already owed the cabinet. Today, they are fortunate to be in the prime of life, and we should pay attention to this. When people are hungry for a long time, they are tired and compensated, which makes people feel embarrassed when they are old in good years. Please take it gradually by all citizens. "
On Wang Zhongzheng's killing of his subordinates, and said that his crime was too serious to be allowed. The emperor said, "There is no hierarchy of talents, so how can you care about driving control?"
He said, "Although, I'm afraid I can't grow up gradually." Caocun has 300,000 hectares of bad fields and 380,000 private houses.
Those who were sent to edict to appease, those who were too hungry to walk, were sent to the highlands to give up their homes to the residents, those who changed careers to give food, those who privately petted cows to give money, and those who adopted sons and daughters to abandon the road were served by Ding Zhuang, who lived for 250,000. Since Xiangzhou Prison, both Deng and Shangguan have criticized their wrongs and wrongs, and they have to be sent away, and they can't justify themselves.
I have been in prison several times and regretted it. Add quality correction and improve some Hedong prisons.
The Liao people tried to replace the northern land, and even said, "Divide water and paint mountains and rivers, lose the danger of China, and realize the wolf's heart." Later, Qidan Guobao took two pieces of wasteland and went down to Yanmen, but his father thought it was hate.
Wang Zhongzheng sent his troops to the Western Expedition, using one adjustment and two transfers to make it beneficial. Lian said, "It's enough to skin the bones of the people and consider the interests! Endure the ultimate evil? " That is, the cloud said: "The teacher will be useless, but only good?" Both, the army was defeated, and Chiang Kai-shek was guilty and married. Lian refers to taking the party to the right place and taking demotion.
In the first year of Yuan You, he was called a doctor in the Ministry of Housing. Our tea method is harmful to Sichuan and Shaanxi, so we sent a company to let Shu take care of it, and even beat it too hard.
He also said, "If you knew what you had done before and gave it to the sick people, you wouldn't accept these goods, and the garden would suffer." Please don't stop drinking tea with Qin, but trade with Xudong Road. Southern tea is forbidden to enter Shaanxi and Sichuan goods.
Set Boma's age to 18000. "The court can discuss it and make it a secret cabinet.
Next year, I will be promoted to Zuosi Langzhong, moved to Langzhong, compiled by Jixian Hall and appointed by Parliament. Shangguan said that Cai was indeed in prison, but he was transferred to Shaanxi.
Worship, pawn, 59 years old.
2. The full text of Turquoise Yellow Lotus Biography Classical Chinese Turquoise Yellow Lotus Biography Huang Lian, word, Hongzhou Fenning people.
The first Jinshi, from Lizhou County. Xi Ning Chu was recommended by Wang Anshi.
An Shi told him that he was asking about exemption from service, and according to the old law, he was honest and correct. An Shi said: "We will definitely achieve the new law."
Bai, who was visiting current affairs, was summoned and said to him, "Your Majesty's intention is to facilitate the people, and the law is not evil, but the officials are not the people. The meaning of the imperial court legislation is the same, but the opinions of the four parties are different, and your majesty cannot completely abide by the law and make the people sick.
Your majesty doesn't know about the floods in Heshuo, the droughts in Henan, the droughts in Qi and Jin, the locusts in Huai and Zhejiang, and the plagues in the south of the Yangtze River. "The master of the emperor that life inexpensive vibration, in addition to SiNong into.
I also reported my purpose, judge of Zhuozhou transshipment road, Fu Nong. In order to supervise the suggestion, he made a suggestion: "To become a thing of the world, don't rush to get talents. I hope that the two systems will be promoted by their close ministers and transshipment. "
Everyone recommends one person. It went on to say, "Cold is a distant servant. Since it is famous all over the world, I hope that the Chinese book can judge its ability and use it, and the world will do what it does."
He also said: "Compared with the floods and droughts in the past, the people and the Mongols have already owed the cabinet. Today, they are fortunate to be in the prime of life, and we should pay attention to this. When people are hungry for a long time, they are tired and compensated, which makes people feel embarrassed when they are old in good years. Please take it gradually by all citizens. "
On Wang Zhongzheng's killing of his subordinates, and said that his crime was too serious to be allowed. The emperor said, "There is no hierarchy of talents, so how can you care about driving control?"
He said, "Although, I'm afraid I can't grow up gradually." Caocun has 300,000 hectares of bad fields and 380,000 private houses.
Those who were sent to edict to appease, those who were too hungry to walk, were sent to the highlands to give up their homes to the residents, those who changed careers to give food, those who privately petted cows to give money, and those who adopted sons and daughters to abandon the road were served by Ding Zhuang, who lived for 250,000. Since Xiangzhou Prison, both Deng and Shangguan have criticized their wrongs and wrongs, and they have to be sent away, and they can't justify themselves.
I have been in prison several times and regretted it. Add quality correction and improve some Hedong prisons.
The Liao people tried to replace the northern land, and even said, "Divide water and paint mountains and rivers, lose the danger of China, and realize the wolf's heart." Later, Qidan Guobao took two pieces of wasteland and went down to Yanmen, but his father thought it was hate.
Wang Zhongzheng sent his troops to the Western Expedition, using one adjustment and two transfers to make it beneficial. Lian said, "It's enough to skin the bones of the people and consider the interests! Endure the ultimate evil? " That is, the cloud said: "The teacher will be useless, but only good?" Both, the army was defeated, and Chiang Kai-shek was guilty and married. Lian refers to taking the party to the right place and taking demotion.
In the first year of Yuan You, he was called a doctor in the Ministry of Housing. Our tea method is harmful to Sichuan and Shaanxi, so we sent a company to let Shu take care of it, and even beat it too hard.
He also said, "If you knew what you had done before and gave it to the sick people, you wouldn't accept these goods, and the garden would suffer." Please don't stop drinking tea with Qin, but trade with Xudong Road. Southern tea is forbidden to enter Shaanxi and Sichuan goods.
Set Boma's age to 18000. "The court can discuss it and make it a secret cabinet.
Next year, I will be promoted to Zuosi Langzhong, moved to Langzhong, compiled by Jixian Hall and appointed by Parliament. Shangguan said that Cai was indeed in prison, but he was transferred to Shaanxi.
Worship, pawn, 59 years old.
3. The full-text translation of Huang Lian's History of Song Dynasty determined that there were 300,000 hectares of bad fields and 380,000 houses in Cao Village.
Those who were sent to edict to appease, those who were too hungry to walk, were sent to the highlands to give up their homes to the residents, those who changed careers to give food, those who privately petted cows to give money, and those who adopted sons and daughters to abandon the road were served by Ding Zhuang, who lived for 250,000. Since Xiangzhou Prison, both Deng and Shangguan have criticized their wrongs and wrongs, and they have to be sent away, and they can't justify themselves.
I have been in prison several times and regretted it. Add quality correction and improve some Hedong prisons.
Liao people tried to replace the northern land, and even said that "dividing water and painting mountains and rivers, losing the stability of China, will arouse the wolf's heart." Later, Qidan Guobao took two pieces of wasteland and went down to Yanmen, but his father thought it was hate.
Wang Zhongzheng sent his troops to the Western Expedition, using one adjustment and two transfers to make it beneficial. Lian said, "It's enough to skin the bones of the people and consider the interests! Endure the ultimate evil? " That is, the cloud "a teacher will be useless, but only good?" Both, the army was defeated, and Chiang Kai-shek was guilty and married. Lian refers to taking the party to the right place and taking demotion.
In the first year of Yuan You, he was called a doctor in the Ministry. Our tea method is harmful to Sichuan and Shaanxi, so we sent a company to let Shu take care of it, and even beat it too hard.
He also said, "If you know what you did before and give it to the sick, you won't accept the goods, and the garden will suffer." Please don't stop drinking tea with Qin, but trade with Xudong Road. Southern tea is forbidden to enter Shaanxi and Sichuan goods.
Set Boma's age to 18000. "The court can discuss it and make it a secret cabinet.
Next year, I will be promoted to Zuosi Langzhong, moved to Langzhong, compiled by Jixian Hall and appointed by Parliament. Shangguan said that Cai was indeed in prison, but he was transferred to Shaanxi.
Worship, pawn, 59 years old.
4. Read the following classical Chinese and complete 10~ 13. In the early years of Taoism, Jia Huangzhong fell ill and the imperial edict returned to the palace. When the Prince was founded, Jia Huangzhong was chosen as a guest friend. Because of his long illness, Li Zhi and Li Ling were appointed as guests, and Jia Huangzhong was also specially commended. Excluding AD, Jia Huangzhong, a native of Nanpi, Cangzhou, is translated as "a long illness". At the age of six, he could write articles and recite poems at the age of seven. His father often lets him eat meat after finishing his studies. At the age of fifteen, he was awarded the position of school bookkeeper and promoted to writing assistant. People call him capable. After Lingnan was pacified, Jia Huangzhong was appointed as an interviewer. He is honest, upright and generous, which makes people far away feel comfortable. It is in line with the will to go back to the top after dozens of pros and cons. When Xuanzhou elected the magistrate, there was a famine that year, and most people became robbers. Jia Huangzhong took out his own rice to cook porridge. Thousands of people saved their lives and tried to ban thieves, so the refugees were scattered. Emperor Taizong ascended the throne. He was promoted to zhizhou. At that time, Jinling had just entered the state, Jia Huangzhong was a simple and easy-going politician, and the state was naturally orderly. One day, when he visited the state capital, he saw a room locked very firmly and ordered it to be opened for inspection. He got dozens of cabinets of gold, silver and jewels left by Li Chaoting, worth millions, and immediately wrote a form and submitted it. The emperor looked at his watch and said to his courtiers, "This is Jia Huang's loyal treasure of national subjugation. It will defile the code and harm others. " Pay 300 thousand. Someone recommended Jia Huangzhong to be knowledgeable and literate, called him to the Chinese Book Examination, and made him the foreign minister of the driving department, knowing the patent. In the past two years, Duan Gong has participated in the compilation of the History Museum. * * * twice in charge of the Tribute Department, selected a large number of talents from poor backgrounds, appointed and removed officials, and the assessment was accurate. Jia Huangzhong has long valued Lv Duan's character and deserves Lv Duan. So he took part in politics. Most of those wise men with culture and virtue were recommended and promoted by Jia Huangzhong. However, he didn't say anything, and people didn't know it. But he is too cautious, and the politics in the book is often delayed. In the early years of Taoism, Jia Huangzhong fell ill and returned to Korea. When the Prince was founded, Jia Huangzhong was chosen as a guest friend with moral prestige. He changed his life because of his long illness. Jia Huangzhong was also specially awarded Assistant Minister of Rites. Jia Huangzhong has always loved literature and classics, and he was very pleased when he entered the cabinet. In the second year of Daodao, Jia Huangzhong died at the age of 56. The emperor heard that he was poor all his life and gave him 300 thousand. When he was in Hanlin, Emperor Taizong summoned him and asked about the gains and losses of politics in time. Jia Huangzhong only said: "My job is to take charge of documents and imperial edicts, and my thoughts are not beyond my job. This is a national military and political event."
5. Read the following classical Chinese 5. B6 D7 . c8 . C5。 B ("poor" should be interpreted as "cured") 6. D ("qi", that is, demonstrative pronoun/he, personal pronoun; "If" in item A, if; "To" in item B, use and take; The "reason" of item C, so, just. )
7.C8.C) Hua Tuo did not return the property, deliberately left the chief patient behind and ran away to annoy him. ) 9.(9 points) (1)(3 points) The princess was furious/was chased/the princess knew who he was/told him not to chase/kept angry/vomited several liters of black blood, but he recovered.
(2)(6 points) ① (Hua Tuo) said (to the patient) when inserting the needle: "The needle feeling should extend to a certain place. Let me know if it arrives. " ② Yu Xun pleaded with Cao Cao and said, "Hua Tuo's medical skill is really brilliant, which is closely related to human life. We should tolerate him."
Hua Tuo in the characters is from Guo Peiqiao County. He went out to study in Xuzhou, and at the same time he was familiar with several Confucian classics. Lian of Guo Pei recommended him as, Qiu Huangwan called him, but he refused to take office.
Hua tuo knows how to keep in good health. At that time, people thought he was nearly a hundred years old, but he still looked like a prime of life. He is also proficient in prescription drugs. He treats people. He used only a few herbs to make soup. He knows the weight of medicine in his heart. He doesn't need to weigh again. After the medicine is cooked, let the patient take it. Tell the patient the precautions for taking medicine. After the patient left, he recovered. If moxibustion is needed, just take one or two acupoints and the pain will be eliminated.
Acupuncture is not necessary for sudden illness. When you get the needle, you should say to the patient, "The feeling of the needle should extend to a certain place. Let me know if it arrives. " When the patient said "arrived", the needle began to respond and the pain quickly recovered. If the patient has mulberry knots in his body, he should cut them open and drink his "hemp boiling powder" After a while, several patients were as drunk as death, so they took out what they had accumulated after operation.
If the patient is in the intestine, cut off the intestine and clean it, then sew up the abdominal incision and put on a plaster. After five days of meowing, the patient recovered and the pain stopped. In less than a month, he recovered. There was a county magistrate who was ill, and Hua thallium thought that this person would be fine if he got angry. So he took his tincture many times but didn't give him any medication. He left him for a long time and left a letter insulting him. The sheriff was really angry and sent someone to hunt down Hua thallium. The sheriff's son knew the inside story and told people not to chase him.
After the chief was very angry and resentful, he vomited a few mouthfuls of black blood and recovered. When Cao Cao heard about it, he was called Hua Tuocai. Cao Cao has a headache. Whenever he has an attack, he is upset and his eyes are dizzy. Hua Tuo can be cured by needling this part (Shu Ge point).
Most of Hua Tuo's medical skills are like this. However, Hua Tuo was a scholar, and he often regretted practicing medicine (doctors were regarded as "cheap jobs" in feudal society).
Later, Cao Cao personally handled state affairs and was seriously ill, so he asked Hua thallium to see him. Hua Tuo said: "It is difficult to cure this disease in a short time. Only through regular treatment can we extend our life. "
Hua tuo was far away from his hometown for a long time and wanted to go back, so he said to Cao Cao, "I just got a letter from home and I'm going home to stay for a while." When he got home, he used his wife's illness as an excuse to ask for leave many times and didn't come back.
Cao Cao was very angry and sent someone to check it out. If Hua Tuo's son is really ill, give him forty welcome beans to relax his holiday time. If he cheats, arrest him and escort him to mining.
So Wang Chuanche deported Hua Tuo to Xuchang prison to verify the evidence, and I pleaded guilty. Xun Zang (to Cao Cao) pleaded: "Hua Tuo's medical skill is really out of the Ming Dynasty (exquisite), which is closely related to human life and should be forgiven."
Cao Cao said, "Don't worry, there is no such incompetent rat in the world?" Finally, Toby was tortured to death in prison. Before he died, Hua Tuo took out a book with a tablet and gave it to the jailer, saying, "This book can cure diseases and save lives."
The jailer is afraid of breaking the law and dare not accept it. Hua tuo begged for fire and burned books. After Hua Tuo's death, Cao Cao had a headache. Cao Cao said, "Hua Tuo can cure this disease.
This is less than deliberately hiding my illness. No, Kim wanted to make himself look important in this way. But if I don't kill this boy, he won't end the disease for me after all. "
It was not until his beloved son Cang Shu (Cao Chong's word) was dying that Cao Cao sighed, "I regret killing Hua Tuo and let this son die of fatigue.".
6. Huang Lian Ci Zhong Yi translated Huang Lian Ci Zhong Ping, Hongzhou Fenren.
Jinshi Ji, Tongjun. Xi Ningchu recommended Wang Anshi.
Wang Anshi's words, asking for exemption, honestly, according to the old method, are very familiar. Wang Anshi said: "This will certainly produce new methods."
Please do come. He replied, "Your Majesty's intention is to facilitate the people. Laws are not bad, officials are not bad. The original intention of the imperial court legislation is one, but the four sides have different opinions, and the methods used are not completely clear to your majesty.
Your Majesty is not fully aware of the floods in Hebei, the drought in Henan, the floods in Qi and Jin, the locust plague in Huai and Zhejiang, and the plague in Jiangnan. "The emperor ordered the cheap body to fold the economy for Sinongcheng.
The return meets the requirements, and the judge of Shengli State Road is also a farmer.
7. History of Song Dynasty. The classical Chinese versions of Biography of Huang Shang include Huang Shang, Uncle Wen Zi, Uncle Qin Long Fu Pu, Uncle Huang Shang, Uncle Wen Zi and Uncle Qin Long Fu Pu. Less clever and different, can be returned to the text. Five years on the main road, Jinshi, transferred to Tongjiang and Bazhou. Yijiujin
Learning literature has been passed down from generation to generation, and when people see it, they say, "I'm not a Japanese uncle." At that time, the reimbursement department in Shu was called Hehe, but it actually took people. Fu Shang's A Trip to Hanzhong satirizes General Li Mi, and the people will do it. Change to be a clerk and join the army. Make Liu Zheng Sichuan's position.
Recommend and call for the right, on the plan of Shu soldiers and people. Dr. Qian sent his mother to the Prime Minister's office and asked Shang An to give him 700,000 yuan for funeral expenses and recall expenses. Time is always above, fashion is on the right track, saying, "ZTE is not the same as defending itself." When it comes to offensive and defensive warfare, we must make up our minds. " Qiang Bing, a rich country, should be utilitarian, so it is necessary to teach official management. Keep inside and outside. When you have priority, you must set up an important town. "Its theory is convenient, it is better to keep fit.
On official management, it is said that the establishment of product style is based on the merits of lessons and the evaluation of funds is based on long-term employment. Its theory is heavy.
Towns, from Wu to Shu, span Wan Li, Hanzhong, Xiangyang, Jiangling, Ezhou and Jingkou. When they are five towns, they should be guarded by ministers. If they are strong, this country will be very important. In addition to imperial academy's doctor, he entered the secretary lang. In the imperial palace for a long time, every birthday, Chen's poems are satirical. When you first try to make a pool planetarium and a map, you can learn from poems and chapters. If you want to be king, you will know how to study. For example, if you wear a map, you will think that your ancestors were trapped in a foreign country and didn't come back. Later, Wang's three classics were used as three chapters to advance. Wang Xi wrote his poems for them in order to buy wine. When Wang waited on the banquet palace, he calmly recited "Wine" for Guangzong, saying, "This is for teaching." Guangzong summoned Lao Shang and Shang Ri: "I am not as good as Zhu. I have studied for forty years. If I call for a mansion, it should be beneficial. " Guangzong Kingdom of Ghana. Every time I persuade you to speak, I will help the ancients prove the present, that is, I will be sensible. Anyone who can enlighten the king will say anything. Dress simply and purely, and every time you talk and read, you will be loyal, help the ancient meaning, show mercy to others, cut off calmly and do what you should do. Dedicated to filial piety, I tell people everything I know. No reading, no shame. It is against nature to preach virtue and kindness. Wen Zhong Jiading Middle School. Zi Jin, Cheng Zheng, and the big Langguan of punishments. Sun Zimin, the official of punishments.
(Excerpted from Biography of Huang Shang in Song Dynasty)
(Excerpted from Biography of Huang Shang in Song Dynasty)
4. The incorrect explanation of the words added in the following sentences is (3 points) A. Benefit from learning: devote yourself wholeheartedly. B. it is said that the basis of class is class: recognition.
C. Guangzong Zhao Lao Shang Lao: comfort. D. Let's talk about human feelings: speculation.
5. The correct sentence of wavy line in the article is (3 points). A. Move Dr. Guo Zi/send her mother to see the Prime Minister/send her to see another official/ask Shang Anzai/give her 700,000 yuan for funeral expenses/recall.
B. Dr. Guo Zi was moved/lost his mother/the Prime Minister entered the DPRK/planned to be an official/begged Shang Anzai/gave 700,000 yuan/lost his mother/was summoned again.
C. Dr. Guo Zi was moved/his mother was mourned to the Prime Minister/he was proposed to be an official/he was asked to settle down/he was given 700,000 yuan/he was mourned/he was recalled.
D. Dr. Guo Zi moved/lost his mother/changed his post as prime minister/asked Shang An to stay/gave 700,000 yuan/lost/recalled.
6. The following summary and analysis of the relevant contents of the original text is incorrect. Huang Shang loves reading and is ashamed of not reading. His article was superior to his peers and was praised by people at that time.
B Huang Shang sympathized with the people and sent an envoy to Hanzhong, hoping that Xu Li would abolish the "harmony" law to facilitate the people.
C. Huang Shang is worried about national security. He wrote a letter to the Emperor, suggesting ways to enrich Qiang Bing, and the significance of setting up an important town and building its capital.
D. Huang Shang is good at satire and admonition. He once made an armillary sphere and a map to persuade Yu Jiawang, and then wrote poems to present. Jia Wang is very happy.
7. Translate underlined sentences into modern Chinese. (10) (1) If you want to be king, you must know how to learn. If fate is endless, you will think that your ancestors were half trapped in the territory and did not come back.
(2) Every time I persuade you to speak, I will help you learn from the past, that is, I will be sensible. Anyone who can inspire Wang Xin will say anything.
Reference answer and translation:
4.b (category: assessment) 5. D
Huang Shang didn't play badly, but watched him get the right answer. )
7.( 10) (1) If you want Jia Wang to see the astronomical phenomena and know that he wants to make progress in his studies, just like the operation of heaven and earth, you can think of the territory of your ancestors by opening the map.
Half of them were captured by aliens and have not been recovered yet. (Scoring point: 1 score "entering school", "non-stop" and "drawing", 2 points for semantics)
(2) Every time Huang Shang lectures, he should cite ancient examples to demonstrate today's events and explain the truth in front of things in front of him. He has nothing to inspire and convince Jia Wang. (Score: 1 means "assistance", "namely" and "enlightenment", and 2 means semantics. )