2. Consumers can defend their rights, keep relevant evidence and report to the administrative department for industry and commerce. Then the live broadcast room is set on a platform, and consumers can consult the customer service of the platform, and then ask them to give the real name and phone number of the anchor in the live broadcast room. You can't refuse the platform, which is stipulated by relevant laws.
3. The live broadcast of the original jadeite stone is true or false, but frankly speaking, the live broadcast of the original jadeite stone is mostly false. Taobao is the most popular platform for the live broadcast of jadeite original stone, and almost all the live broadcast storefronts have follow-up processing and carving services.
You are in the same situation now, and I understand your feelings very well. But no one came to help this thing. Most of Ruili's live gambling stones are actually cheating laymen into not knowing how to make money. In fact, no one will buy you the stones that you can really gamble on.
5. It's true that the jadeite original stone green is cut out and transferred to me. However, you will be required to meet certain conditions, such as various expenses, which are generally low-quality jadeite stones with little value.