It is said that someone came back at that time, and the project was waiting for the paste gauze, asking Xifeng to open the library; Someone came back and asked Feng to collect gold and silver utensils. Mrs. Wang and the maids are not allowed to be free. Baochai said, "Let's not get in the way here." With that, Baoyu and others went to Yingchun's room.
Mrs. Wang is getting busier every day, and she didn't get everything ready until October: all the supervisors paid their bills; There are antique Wan Wen with complete furniture everywhere; Buy birds, cranes, deer, rabbits, chickens, geese, etc. And give them to all parts of the garden for breeding; Jia Qiang also performed twenty or thirty acrobatics there; A group of young nuns and Taoists also learned to chant Buddhist scriptures. So Jia Zheng felt a little more settled. Therefore, Jia Mu was invited to the garden, and the color was considered and the layout was proper. There is no discrepancy. Jia Zheng dares to write a topic. On this day, it was ordered: "On the fifteenth day of the first month of next year, on the day of Shangyuan, the imperial concubine will visit her relatives." Jia fu served this purpose, busy day and night, and had a bad time for several years.
In a blink of an eye, Yuanxiao is in your heart. From the eighth day of the first month, eunuchs first came out to see the direction, where to change clothes, where to sit, where to receive gifts, where to hold a banquet, and where to retreat. There are also eunuchs who patrol the local areas and take many small eunuchs to guard the customs and block the curtains, instructing Jia Zhai staff where to go in and out, where to eat and where to announce various ceremonies. There are officials from the Ministry of Industry and troops from five cities outside to clean the streets and drive away idle people. Jia She and others supervised the craftsmen to tie lanterns and set off fireworks. By the 14th, everything had stopped. I didn't sleep that night.
On the 15th, the five sides bulged, and those honored by the Lady Dowager all wore big makeup according to the products. At this time, the dragon dance in the garden, the curtain embroidered with phoenix, golden, jewels shining, lily incense burning, and the bottle inserted with Changchun. No one coughed quietly. Jia She and others are outside Xijie Gate, while Jia Mu and others are outside Fu Rong Gate. Streets and alleys should be fenced tightly. I was impatient when I saw a eunuch riding a horse. Jia Zheng asked his news. The eunuch said, "There are plenty! I didn't suddenly see a eunuch riding a horse, so Jia Zheng went on to ask him about it. The eunuch said, "There are plenty! I didn't have dinner for the first time, and I didn't go back to Ling Bao Palace to worship Buddha. I just went to Daming Palace for a dinner and watched the lights. I'm afraid I got up early. "In that case," said Xi-feng, "go back to your room, and don't come back later. "。 "So Grandmother Jia and the others left on their own. . The garden is entirely managed by Xifeng. Deacon, etc Leading eunuchs to eat wine and rice while turning passers-by into candles and lighting lights everywhere.
Suddenly I heard the sound of hooves outside, and a dozen eunuchs came panting and clapped their hands. These eunuchs will know that they are coming and stand in their respective directions. Jia she led the whole family's children outside the west street gate, and Jia Mu led the harem people to meet them outside the door. It was quiet for a long time. Suddenly I saw two eunuchs riding slowly, getting off the horse at the entrance of West Street, driving the horse out of the enclosure and facing the West Station. Half a day is another couple, too. I came to more than a dozen pairs when I was a child, and Wen Fong had a faint drumming sound. Pairs of dragons and phoenixes, pheasant-feather palaces and mountains, as well as selling gold stoves and burning imperial incense, then a golden umbrella with seven strange and seven phoenixes came over. This is a robe with shoes, and the deacon eunuch held incense towels, embroidered handkerchief, mouthwash, blowing dust and other things. After the parade, eight eunuchs came slowly carrying a golden-crowned goose yellow embroidered phoenix. Jia and others quickly knelt down. A eunuch came to help the old lady and others and took her to the yard east of the gate. A eunuch knelt down and asked her to change. So after the introduction, the eunuchs dispersed, leaving only Zhao Rong, Sedan and others to show Yuan Chun around. I saw all kinds of lanterns burning in the garden, all tied with gauze, very delicate. There is a plaque on it, which reads: "Tijen Mude". Yuan Chun went back to her room to change clothes and went back to Shangyu to enter the park. I saw the cigarettes in the garden, colorful flowers, lights everywhere, and the sound of beautiful music all the time. I can't tell you enough about this peaceful scene, rich and romantic.
Jia Fei sat in the car and looked inside and outside the park. She nodded and sighed, "It's too luxurious and expensive!" " Suddenly I saw the eunuch kneeling and inviting him aboard. Jia Fei disembarked and boarded the ship, only to see Liu Qing area, like Youlong. On both sides of the stone fence, all kinds of wind lanterns made of crystal glass are as bright as silver snow waves; Although the willow apricot tree above has no flowers and leaves, it uses all kinds of silk, silk, silk and medulla tetrapanacis as flowers and sticks them on the branches, and each plant hangs thousands of lights; What's more, the lotus and heron lanterns in the pond are made of the feathers of snails and mussels. They win glory from top to bottom, and the water and sky are the same and dazzling. It's really a glass world, and the jewelry is dry. There are all kinds of bonsai, bead curtains and flowers on board, needless to say. Has entered a stone port, and a plaque lamp on the port clearly shows the words "Guo Ting Hua Lian". Readers have heard that these words such as "beautiful flowers" and "feng" are all the right talents of Jia Zheng who tried Baoyu last time. Why do they take them seriously? I think Jia Fu's poetry books have been written by one or two people for generations. Is it like a rich family, but it is made in children's language? It's just that this Jia Fei didn't enter the palace that day, and she was brought up by her grandmother since childhood. Later, Baoyu was added. Jia Fei is the eldest sister and Baoyu is the younger brother. Jia Fei got this brother in the year when she missed her mother, because she loved him alone. Stay with grandma and never leave. Before Baoyu went to school, when he was three or four years old, he had already learned several books by Yuan Fei and memorized thousands of words. Although I am a sister, I am like a mother and a son. Since I entered the palace, I have always gone out to see my father and brother with letters, saying, "Please support me: if you are not strict, you can't do anything. If you are too strict, you will be afraid of danger and worry about your grandmother. " The heart of missing will never be forgotten. The day before yesterday, Jia praised him for his talent, so he gave it a try in the garden. Although it is not famous, it has a family flavor. And let Jia Fei see and know what his brother is doing, and live up to his consistent enthusiasm. So I used the topic of Baoyu. The problems that were not completed that day were later increased a lot.
Jia Fei read the four words and said with a smile, "The word' flower' is fine. Why bother?" Hearing this, the eunuch disembarked and reported to Jia Zheng, who immediately changed his mind. At that time, the ship was near the inland shore, so I went aboard to visit Yu, and saw the elegant Kremlin and the magnificent Guidian. On the stone archway, the words "land of fairy treasures" were written, and Jia Fei ordered the words "mothering mountain villa" to be changed. So when I entered the palace, I saw the court burning all around, incense crumbs on the ground, fire trees and flowers, gold windows and jade thresholds; There are countless curtain rolls of shrimp whiskers, countless carpeted fish otters, countless pots of musk deer brain incense, and countless screen columns of pheasant tail fans. Really:
Jade Lake Fairy House in Jinmen, the home of concubines in Gui Dian Lan Palace.
Jia Fei Nai asked, "Why is there no plaque in this temple?" The eunuch knelt down and said, "This is the main hall. I dare not sketch. " Jia Fei nodded. Etiquette eunuch, please be promoted and receive gifts, and enjoy yourself in two stages. Second, the eunuch introduced a pardon, and the court moved to the temple under the moon. Zhao Rong sent a message: "No test." Is to retreat. And led the Taijun of Guo Rong and their wives to arrange shifts from the East Order, and Zhao Rong.
The prophet said, "No." So I retired, too.
After three cups of tea, Jia Fei sat down to have a rest. She retired to the next room to change clothes, and then prepared to drive out of the garden. When they arrived at the main house of Jia Mu, Jia Mu and others knelt down and stopped them. Jia Fei came out crying, holding in one hand and Mrs. Wang in the other, and met each other. The three of them were full of words, but they couldn't say anything but sobbed. Mrs. Xing, Li Wan, Wang Xifeng, Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, etc. , all cried speechless. After half a day, Jia showed a bitter smile and comforted: "I was sent to that shady place that day, and I can go home easily today." The women didn't say that they wouldn't laugh at this moment, but they just couldn't cry. I went later, and I don't know how long it took to see them! " Speaking of which, I can't help choking again. Mrs. Xing urged her. Grandmother Jia and others asked Jia Fei to sit down. When they saw each other, they couldn't help crying. Then the deacons of the East and Westinghouse and others saluted in the outer hall. His daughter-in-law's servant girl finished her salute. Jia Fei sighed: "There are many relatives, but unfortunately we can't meet!" Lady Wang said, "Now my relatives Xue and Baochai and Daiyu are waiting outside. I dare not enter without a job. " Jia Fei immediately invited each other to meet. At this time, Aunt Xue came in and wanted to pay a national gift. Yuan Fei ordered to avoid it and stepped forward to say goodbye. Another maid, who was brought into the palace, kowtowed with a harp. The old lady quickly lifted her up and ordered her to enter another room to entertain her. Deacon eunuch, Kewei Zhao Rong's attendants, etc. , Ningfu, Jia She's residence to entertain themselves, leaving only three or four little eunuchs to promise. Mother, daughter and sisters can't help talking about long-lost scenes and housework.
Jia Zheng greeted guests outside the curtain and so on. Yuan Fei also said to her father, "Tian She's family has salt, cloth and silk. It is a happy family. Although I am rich today, my flesh and blood are separated and I have no interest in it. Jia Zheng also said with tears in his eyes, "I am humble and a crow, so I don't want luck." "。 "This noble grace in tin, ancestral virtue in the sun and the moon. Fortunately, they are a political couple. Today, the virtue of the upper body and the world is unprecedented in ancient and modern times. Although the liver and brain are everywhere, how can you take a thousand! However, I am loyal to my duties. May Saint Wang Yongsheng be a blessing to the whole world. The imperial concubine should not think of the old age of the political couple. I am more eager to cherish myself, but I am diligent, cautious, courteous and not worthy of caring for Long En. " Jia Fei also instructed "be diligent in state affairs and take care of it in your spare time." I don't remember. "
Reading. Jia Zheng added, "The pavilions and pavilions in the garden were all inscribed by Baoyu. "If there are one or two people who can entertain your eyes, please give them a name at once. Yuan Fei laughed at Baoyu's words. "It's good. "。 "Jia Zheng retracted his words. Yuan Fei asked, "Why has Baoyu disappeared? ""I'm a man without a job, "grandma Naiqi said." I dare not trespass. " Yuan Fei ordered the introduction. The little eunuch led Baoyu in, finished the state ceremony first, ordered him to come near, held him in his arms hand in hand, patted his head and neck with a smile: "It's a little longer than before", and tears welled up.
You Shi and Xi Feng came up and said, "The banquet is ready. Please have a good trip. " Princess Yuan got up, told Baoyu to lead the way, and went to the front of the garden with the others. When I saw the lights in the morning, I listed all kinds of things. When you enter the garden, you should climb the stairs first, set foot on the pavilion, wade around the mountain, and look around from Lion, Red Fragrant Green Jade, Apricot Curtain in Sight and Zhi Heng Qingfen. Everywhere is gorgeous, and the pile decoration is novel. Yuan Fei praised it and advised: "Don't be too extravagant in the future, it's all too much." When they arrived at the main hall, they asked people to sit down casually and set a banquet, accompanied by the grandmother Jia and others. You Shi, Li Wan, Feng et al.
Yuan Fei is a lifesaving pen and inkstone. Kiss Luo Jian and choose the name of the person you like. Because the total name of the garden is "Grand View Garden", the plaque in the main hall reads "Gu En Yi Gi" and the couplet reads:
Heaven and earth inspire great kindness and feel the same for life; Ancient and modern Kyushu national glory. Also changed the title: Feng was renamed Xiaoxiang Pavilion. "Red fragrant green jade" was changed to "Hongyi green" and named as "Hongyi Yuan". "Zhi Heng Clear Powder" was named "Wu Hengyuan". "Apricot curtain in sight" was named "Happy Song Villa". The main building is called "Daguanlou". The flying building in the east is called "Jinlou". To the west, Xu Lou said, "Including Fangge". There are also names such as Guo Fengxuan, Ou Xiangxie, Zi Ling Week and Ye. There are names such as "Pear Blossom Spring Rain", "Tongjian Autumn Wind" and "Rudy Night Snow". He also ordered not to dismantle the old plaque. So the first question is a quatrain:
It's a lot of work to build mountains with water! There are various landscapes in the world, and Fiona Fang should be called "Grand View".
After the topic was finished, I smiled at my sisters and said, "I am not smart enough to recite." Sisters have always known that I will be responsible tonight and live up to the scenery. If you have less leisure one day, you must write "Grand View Garden" and "Ode to Mother" to remember today's events. Sisters and others also have a poem and a plaque, which can be played at will and cannot be bound by my talent. It is gratifying to know that Baoyu can write poetry. Among them, there are two places I like very much, that is, Xiaoxiang Pavilion and Wuheng Courtyard. Followed by Qi Justin Happy Song Villa; These four points must be recited in chapters and sentences. Although the previous topics were well combined, now I have given each of them a five-character rule, let me try it face to face, and will not bear the pain I have taught since childhood. " Baoyu had to agree and got pregnant.
In the Spring Festival, Tanchun and Cherish Spring, Tanchun is above my sister, but it seems difficult to compete with Lin Xue, so I have to obey everyone's orders. Li Wan has also made unique achievements. Jia Fei read the poems of her sisters in turn and wrote:
Open and happy (plaque) to welcome spring.
The scenery in the garden was so exquisite and peculiar that I was ordered to be ashamed of my topic. Who believes that there is such a situation in the world?
A probe into the spring of literary talent (plaque)
Xiushui famous mountains embrace back, romantic literary talent wins Penglai. Green song-cutting fan grass, red lining Hunan skirt dance plum blossom. Pearl jade is going to be handed down from generation to generation, and the immortal is so lucky to go down to Yaotai! Once this famous garden is invited to visit, no mortal is allowed to come here.
Article creation (plaque) cherishes spring
Mountains and rivers drag thousands of miles, and five clouds rise on the balcony. The garden was built in the glory of the sun and the moon, and the scenery won the merits of the article.
Wan Xiang Zheng Hui (plaque) Li Wan
The completion of the famous garden is magnificent, which makes it ashamed to learn more. Exquisiteness can't be said for a while. Sure enough, everything has glory.
Ning Zhong Hui Rui (plaque) Xue Baochai
Fiona Fang Garden is built in the west of the Imperial City, and the Sino-Japanese auspicious clouds cover the wonders. When repairing the hairpin, I like to move Yingying out of the valley and wait for Feng's arrival. The style of writing lingered until the evening, and filial piety should return to the province. How dare you resign when you are ashamed? Lin Daiyu, the immortal source of the world, visited Chen Zengyue Jade. Fairyland is different from the world of mortals. Add a new atmosphere with beautiful mountains and rivers. Xiangrong Jingu wine, Huamei Yutang people. He Xing invites pets, and there are frequent exchanges between the palace and the car.
Yuan Fei praised it after reading it, and said with a smile, "After all, my sister's works are different, which is beyond the reach of a foolish sister." It turned out that Daiyu was relieved to show off her talents tonight, overwhelming everyone. She doesn't want Yuan Fei to just order a plaque and chant, but it's not good to disobey the imperial edict and do more. She just made a five-word rule at random.
Before Baoyu finished, he made two songs, Xiaoxiang Pavilion and Hengwuyuan, and was working on a song, Hongyiyuan. In the draft, there was a sentence, "Green jade is still rolling in spring". Baochai saw it in the blink of an eye, so she took advantage of everyone's lack of theory and gave him a push, saying, "Adults don't like the word' red fragrant green jade', so they changed it to' Hongyi Kuai Green'. Don't you want to break up with him by using the word' green jade' again? Besides, there are many allusions to banana leaves, so I want to change another one. " Seeing what Baochai said, Baoyu wiped his sweat and said, "I can't remember the source of any allusion at the moment!" Baochai said with a smile, "You just need to change the word' jade' from' green jade' to' wax'." Baoyu asked, "Where can' green wax' come from?" Baochai nodded quietly and said with a smile, "It's a pity that you are so tonight. In the future, you will forget thousands of grandchildren and Zhao Li! In the Tang Dynasty, the Han Dynasty sang the first sentence of Bajiao's poem: "Cold candle, smokeless green wax", have you forgotten? " Baoyu was relieved and smiled, "Damn it, damn it! I can't think of a ready-made sentence. Sister is really a word teacher! From now on, just call you master, not your sister. " Baochai also smiled quietly: "It's not fast.
Do it, sister! Who's your sister? That's your sister in a yellow robe. "A joking, lest he delay time, then pull away.
Baoyu continued this song, with three songs. At this time, Daiyu didn't show her talent, and she was unhappy. Seeing that Baoyu's idea was too bitter, he took a look at the case and realized that Baoyu was missing a song "Apricot Curtain in Sight". Because he was asked to copy the first three songs, he sang them all by himself, wrote them on a piece of paper, twisted them into a ball and threw them to Baoyu. Baoyu opened it and saw that it was ten times higher than the three songs he wrote. He quickly copied it and presented it. Yuan princess see way is:
You feng lai yi fish Bao
Xiuyu's early success is worthy of being called a phoenix. The poles are green and dripping, both green and cool. Build by laying bricks or stones to prevent treading water, and wear curtains to hinder ding Xiang. Don't shake the broken shadow, the beautiful dream has just begun to grow.
Yi Zhi qingfen
Wu Heng fills the quiet garden, and the Romanian state contributes to the fragrance. Soft lining with three spring grasses, gently dragging a wisp of incense. Light smoke curled up and cold clothes were wet. Who sings the pond song? Xie Jia has a long dream.
Hongyi express
President Shen is very quiet and goes out every two. Green wax is still rolling in spring, and red makeup stays up all night. Hanging sleeves beside the railing, leaning against the stone to protect the smoke. In the east wind of opposition, the master should be merciful.
Apricot curtains are in sight
Apricot curtains attract guests to drink, and you can see a villa. Lingbi Goose Water, Sang Yu Yanziliang. A bed of leeks is ripe in spring, and ten miles of rice blooms.
That's great. In prosperous times, you don't have to plow and weave.
After reading it, Princess Yuan was filled with joy and said, "Sure enough!" He also pointed out that "Apricot Curtain" is the highest among the four, so he changed "Huange Villa" to "Daoxiang Village". He also ordered Tanchun to hand out more than a dozen poems just now with brocade and told the eunuch to pass them to the outer compartment. Jia Zheng and others saw it and praised it. Jia Zheng returned to SongProvince. Princess Yuan also ordered people to give things such as Baoyu, Jia Lanqiong Zhi and gold ornaments. At this time, Jia Lan was still young and unfamiliar with everything. He just saluted with his mother and uncle.
At this time, Jia Qiang led a group of female performers downstairs and was impatient. A eunuch flew down and said, "Finish reading the poem and get the play list quickly!" " "Jia Qiang quickly showed the entry list and the roster of twelve people. When I was young, I ordered four plays: the first one was a feast, the second one was a coup, the third one was a fairy tale, and the fourth one was from the soul. Jia Qiang is busy planning to play, and every song has the sound of splitting stones, and the dance has the state of monty. Although it is a description of makeup, it has achieved all kinds of joys and sorrows. Just after the performance, a eunuch came in with a plate of golden cakes and asked, "Who is this old official?" Jia Qiang knew it was for the old minister, so he took it and told him to kowtow. "。 The eunuch added, "The imperial concubine has an order, saying,' Old officials are superior. Just two more plays, no matter which one. ""Jia Qiang busy agreed, because life age official' garden' and' dream' two out. Lingguan made two plays for this and insisted on not following. He must act in two plays and scold in person. Jia Qiang couldn't beat him, so he had to do it. Yuan Fei was very happy and ordered, "Don't embarrass the girl." Two palace silks, two wallets, gold and silver shovel and other additional awards. Then call off the banquet and go to places you haven't been. Suddenly I saw the Buddhist temple around the mountain, washed my hands, went in to burn incense and worship Buddha, and wrote a plaque that said, "Suffering from the sea and sailing with kindness." In addition, I gave bonuses to a group of young women.
When I was young, the eunuch knelt down and said, "All the gifts are ready. Please count the rewards according to the routine." This is a slight knot. Yuan Fei didn't see anything from the beginning, that is to say, she was ordered to do so. The eunuchs came down and distributed them one by one. It turns out that Jia Mu has a handle for each piece of jade, Aquilaria sinensis has a vine, Gannan has a string of beads, four pieces of palace satin are "rich and prosperous Changchun map", four pieces of palace silks are "long life", ten pieces of Zijin are "pen ingots are satisfactory" and ten pieces are "Qing Ji leisurely". Mrs. Xing waited for two points, but only lost four things: Ruyi, Guai and Zhu Zhu. Jia Jing, Jia She, Jia Zheng, etc. Make two new books each, two boxes of precious ink and two gold and silver lamps as a gift. Baochai, Daiyu and other sisters each brought a new book, a precious inkstone, and two pairs of gold and silver shovel in new format. Baoyu and Jia Lan are two gold and silver collars and two pairs of gold and silver shovels. You Shi, Li Wan and Feng each have four gold and silver ingots. Show four ends. In addition, there are 24 kinds of gifts, 500 strings of silver, which are distributed to Jia, Lady Wang and the maids in their sister's room. Jia Zhen, Jia Lian, Jia Huan, Jia Rong and so on. They are all a pair of gold and silver. The remaining 100 colored forged horses, 1200 two pieces of silver and several bottles of royal wine were distributed to the East and West and the people who managed the project, arranged furniture, promised to stage operas and held lanterns in the garden. There are three hundred strings of clear money outside, for cooks, actresses, hundreds of plays, miscellaneous pedestrians and so on.
When everyone thanked them, the deacon eunuch said, "It takes only three minutes to be ugly. Please drive back to Lu 'an. " Yuan Fei could not help but burst into tears, but tried to smile, holding the hands of the old lady and Mrs. Wang, and advised, "Don't worry about it, just take care of it! Now that the sky is full, you can introspect once in January. It's easy to meet, so why be so sad? If I let you go back to the province next year, you can't be so extravagant. " Grandmother Jia and others have choked with tears. Although Yuan Fei was reluctant to leave, Nai's royal rules could not be violated, so she had to go to Jade with great pain. Everyone here tried to persuade the old lady to stop, and Mrs. Wang helped her out of the garden.