When Bo Qin, the son of Duke Zhou, was about to take office, he asked his father about the general plan of governing Lu. Duke Zhou said, "Being a politician benefits the people, not (only) self-interest." The Chu people lost their bows and arrows but refused to look for them. He said, "If the Chu people lost their bows and arrows, why should they look for them?" Confucius listened and said, "It would be nice to get rid of the kingdom of Jingchu." Lao Dan listened to Confucius and said, "It is good to get rid of the restrictions of' people'." Therefore, Lao Dan is the most enthusiastic person for public welfare. Heaven and earth are big enough to give birth to all things without taking them as their own children; Make everything grow, not take it for yourself. Everything enjoys the benefits of heaven and earth, but I don't know where these come from. This is the virtue of three emperors and five emperors.
Guan Zhong was seriously ill, and Qi Huangong went to meet him and said, "Guan Zhong, your illness is even worse, and it is inevitable for the domestic people. Who will I entrust my country to? "
Guan Zhong replied: "I tried my best before, but I still don't know who I can entrust my country to. Now I am seriously ill and my life is at stake. How can I tell? " Qi Huangong said: "This is a national event. I look forward to your advice. "
Guan Zhong respectfully replied, "Who do you want to be the prime minister?" Qi Huangong said; "Is the bag all right?"
Guan Zhong replied, "No.Bao and I have a good friendship. Bao is honest. When he sees people different from himself, he won't approach others. Once you hear about other people's mistakes, you will never forget them. " Qi Huangong said, "If necessary, what about Peng Ji?" Guan Zhong replied: "Peng Ji is a person who admires people who are better than himself, exhorts those who can't catch up, is ashamed of not catching up with the Yellow Emperor, and expresses sympathy for those who can't catch up;" He doesn't ask the details of national politics; He is particularly ignorant of things; For people, don't deliberately find small faults. If I have to recommend a candidate for prime minister, it is appropriate to be friends. " The prime minister of a country is a big official. When you become a big official, don't just look at small things, don't be smart. Therefore, great craftsmen only pay attention to the overall design, and do not personally wield axes and chisel; The chef just tries to reconcile the five flavors, not fiddling with the pots and pans himself; Great soldiers only command the battle, not go into battle in person. A just army only conquers rebellion and does not harass the people. Qi Huangong upholds justice; Abandon personal love and hate, reuse Guan Zhong (who has enemies with himself), and finally become the first of the five tyrants; For selfish reasons, Qi Huangong took good care of what he loved, and made a knife with a flatterer, so that the rotting maggots crawled out after death and could not be buried.
People are stupid when they are young, but they will become smart when they grow up. Therefore, it is better to be smart but have an affair than to be stupid but have a public interest. I get drunk every day and want to dress neatly. I am greedy and want to be king, but Shun can't. (and mortals! )
2. The ambition of a swan When Chen She was young, he tried to plow the fields with his servants. On his fallow ridge, he lamented for a long time and said, "I got rich and forgot everything."
The servant smiled and replied, "If you are a servant, how can you be rich?" Chen She sighed deeply and said, "Sparrows know the ambition of swans. When Chen She was young, he was employed with others to farm for a rich family. One day, he put down his farm work and rested on the ridge of the field. He resented the social reality that the Qin Dynasty forced labor unscrupulously and oppressed and exploited the people more and more seriously. He decided to get rid of oppression and exploitation and change his current social status, and said to his companions, "If any of us becomes rich in the future, we can't forget each other. "
His companion laughed at him: "How can you get rich when you are hired to farm for others?" Chen She sighed and said, "Alas, how can birds understand the swan's ambition?" .
3. Learning classical Chinese translation "for learning"
How difficult is it in the world? For it, it is easy and difficult; If you don't do it, it's hard for easy people. Is it difficult for people to learn? Learned, difficult people will be easy; If you don't learn, it will be difficult for easy people.
There are two monks in Shu, one is poor and the other is rich. The poor man said to the rich man, "What do I want in the South China Sea?" The rich man said, "Why should I go?" Yue: "I have a bottle and a bowl." The rich man said, "I have always wanted to buy a boat for many years, but I have never been able to buy it." Why do you want to go? "In the second year, the poor will come back from the South China Sea to tell the rich. The rich are ashamed.
I don't know how many miles it takes to go to the South China Sea in Xishu, but rich monks can't go and poor monks can't go. People's aspirations are not as good as humble monks.
Reading exercise 1
1. This article tells us the importance of learning through a vivid story.
2. "Tell the rich by ()" is an ellipsis.
3. Choose the words added below and give the wrong explanation. ( )
A, the poor talk to the rich (tell) B, I want the South China Sea (go)
C, the trip is far from the western country of Shu (distance) D, Gu is not as good as a monk in Shu (it seems)
4. There are two places in the article: "What does a son depend on?" Why do you use question marks in the first place and exclamation marks in the second place? Please analyze it briefly.
5. Contrast is a major feature of this writing. Please take the passage where two eminent monks in Shu and Bi are going as an example to talk about how the article uses contrast.
Look at the answer:
1. Subjective effort (or determination) 2. Being in the South China Sea 3.D4. Expressing the tone of inquiry for the first time (or expressing general questions) and expressing the tone of contempt for the second time (or dismissing it) 5. Omitting.
Reading exercise 2
8, explain polysemous words (6 points)
Since then, two monks () have returned to Shu ().
Looking forward to Huan Hou but still going () carnivores despise () going to the countryside to miss home ()
9. In the following sentences, () is the same as the function word (2 points).
A I want the South China Sea. B. One is poor and the other is rich. C. Tell the rich.
There is no horse evil in the nine distances between Mozi and Mozi, and people will be divided.
10, translate the following sentences. (4 points)
I have wanted to buy a boat for several years, but I still can't get it. ________________________________________
(2) A man's ambition is not as good as a monk. ___________________
11._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4 points)
12. The following excerpt is from For Learning. Please use "/"to break this sentence. (2 points)
My talent is twice as smart as mine, and my talent is twice as sensitive as mine. People also reject it and do not use it, which is no different from ignorance and mediocrity.
Look at the answer:
8.(6 points, 1 minute per space) Come back, turn around (turn around) and leave shortsightedness at the border.
9.(2 points) c
10, (6 points, with "buy", "return", "care" and "present" each accounting for 1 minute, and the sentence meaning each accounting for 1 minute)
I have been trying to rent a boat for several years, but I have never succeeded.
(2) People are determined, not as good as monks in Kawabe?
1 1, (4 points, 2 points for each space)
The two monks in Shubi, with firm aspirations and subjective efforts, can overcome difficulties and achieve success even if the objective conditions are poor.
(That's right)
12, (2 points, 1 0.5 points will be deducted for each mistake until the score of this question is deducted)
My cleverness/cleverness/sensitivity/rejection/ignorance is no different from mediocrity.
Graffiti: Facing the whole white paper, the whole white screen, there is no way to start, it must be terrible. You will think: I'd better check my email or take a nap! Sir, please don't do this. Start writing at once, type at once, it doesn't matter what you write, just let me hear you type. As long as you
I started writing, and everything was easy. Like me, it shouldn't be difficult to type out my name and article title first, and then slowly unfold the plot and fully blend in ... The key is: you can write graffiti at first, but you should start writing the text as soon as possible.
4. What does the classical Chinese screen mean? screen display
Verb meaning:
1, retreat; Retire.
Housheng is a screen language. -"Historical Records Biography of Wei Gongzi"
Another example is Pingju: resignation and seclusion. Screen language: Avoid private conversations with others. Screen: retreat and avoid hiding. Screen switching: retirement.
Step 2 hide.
You forbid me. I'm Pingbi and Gui. -"The Book of Gold"
Another example is screen hiding: hiding. Screen tracking: hiding. Screen Hiding: Hiding.
3. give up; Remove; Get rid of (sb, sth). Use "hold" If the screen is turned off: turn off the screen and cut off communication. Screen discard: screen discard. Sieve out: remove; Give it up.
4. protection. Such as "Screen Guard: Guard". Pinghan: Defense.
5. inhibit. Hold your breath.
General Song held his breath and watched. -Wei Ming Xi, Biography of Big Iron Vertebra
Another example is holding your breath: stop the sound. Hold your breath. Hold your breath: Hold your breath for a while.
Step 6 cover up.
Screen the king's eyes and ears and make him not smart. -"Twenty-seven years of Zuo Gong"
Another example is the screen: a hidden place. Shielding: shading.
screen display
1, occlusion.
Screen. Barriers. Shielding. Ordinary ("Screen" and "Fence", the etiquette of Wei Guo). Ping Han (an important minister in Wei Guo).
2, calligraphy and painting banners, generally in groups of four or eight.
Draw a screen. Four screens.
5. Classical Chinese translated by Zhuangzi: In order to guard against thieves who pry boxes, dig out pockets and open cabinets, we should tie knots, strengthen bolts and lock keys, which is what most people call cleverness.
But once the robber came, he ran away with his chest, box and pocket on his back, for fear that the knot, bolt and key were not strong enough. In this case, the so-called cleverness in the past was not to accumulate reserves for thieves. So I tried to discuss this situation. Is there a so-called smart person in the world who doesn't accumulate property for thieves? Are there any so-called saints who steal things without guarding their property? how do you know At that time, the neighboring villages and towns in Qi were far apart, and the voices of chickens and dogs were endless. In Fiona Fang, the water surface covered by fishing nets and the land cultivated by plows and hoes are more than 2,000 miles.
Throughout the country, all places used to set up ancestral temples and state institutions, all places used to set up administrative institutions at all levels, such as cities, prefectures, towns and villages, are not imitating the practices of ancient saints! However, when Tian Chengzi killed the monarch of Qi State, he stole the whole Qi State. He stole, robbed, is such a Qi State? Along with all kinds of wise laws there, they were robbed.
Although Tian Chengzi has a reputation as a thief, he is still as stable as Yao Shun. Small countries dare not criticize him, and big countries dare not punish him, stealing from generation to generation. So, isn't this the theft of Qi and the wise laws and regulations there to protect him as a thief? So I tried to discuss this situation. Is there a so-called wise man in the secular world who doesn't save money for thieves? Are there any so-called saints who don't defend property for thieves? how do you know Once upon a time, dragons and phoenixes were beheaded, Bigan was cut open, Changhong was cut out, and Zixu was left in the river to rot.
Even talented people like the above four people are still not spared from being killed. So, the disciple who stole his feet asked him, "Are there rules and standards for being a robber?" The thief replied, "Where can you be Fiona Fang without rules?" It is unswerving to speculate on what property is stored in the house out of thin air; The first person to enter the house is brave; Finally out of the house, this is friendship; It is wisdom to know whether to take action; Fair distribution afterwards, this is kindness.
Without the above five points, there is no one who can become a thief. "From this perspective, good people don't know the way of saints and can't achieve a career. Private wine dealers don't know the way of saints and can't steal; There are fewer good people and more bad people in the world, so saints bring less benefits and more disasters to the world.
Therefore, when the lips are opened outward, the teeth will be exposed to the cold, and the wine offered by Lu Hou will be weak, leading to the siege of Handan, the capital of Zhao State, and the emergence of saints and thieves. Only by attacking the saints and releasing thieves can the world be peaceful.
When the stream dries up, the valley is particularly empty, and when the hills level the deep pools, it is particularly full. When a saint dies, thieves will never rise again, and the world will remain peaceful.
The thief won't stop until the sage dies. Even if the whole society is allowed to reuse saints to govern the world, then this is the greatest benefit of stealing feet.
Give the world a bucket and a welcome to measure the number of items, and then steal them together with the bucket and a welcome; Give the world a scale and a beam to measure the weight of the goods, and then steal them together with the scale and the beam; Make symbols and seals for the world to win people's trust, and then steal with them; Formulating benevolence and righteousness for the world to regulate people's morality and behavior, then it will be stolen together with benevolence and righteousness. how do you know Those who steal small things like hooks will be punished to death, and those who steal the whole country will become princes; Benevolence and righteousness only exist at the door of the princes.
Isn't this stealing benevolence and wisdom? Therefore, those who follow thieves, occupy the position of princes, steal benevolence and righteousness, and gain the benefits of competition, balance and Fuxi, even if they are rewarded by high officials and generous people, even if they have the majesty of executing people, can not be encouraged. These situations are very conducive to stealing feet, which cannot be banned. It is the fault of saints.
Therefore, fish can't leave the deep pool, and the weapon of governing the country can't be shown to people casually. Those so-called saints are sharp tools to rule the world and cannot be used to express the world.
Therefore, saints abandon wisdom, thieves can stop; Abandoning jade destroys jade, and thieves disappear; Burning symbols destroys seals, and people are simple; Broken barrels and scales make people miserable; Only by destroying the saints in the world can the people talk about right and wrong. Disturb the six laws, destroy all kinds of musical instruments, block Shi Kuang's ears, and let everyone in the world retain their original hearing; Eliminate decorative patterns, disperse colorful colors, stick to Zhu's eyes, and let everyone in the world retain their original vision; Eliminate hook arcs and ink lines, abandon compasses and rulers, and break workers' fingers, so that everyone in the world can retain their original intelligence.
Therefore, "the greatest ingenuity is as clumsy." Remove Zeng Shen and Shi? Loyalty, filial piety, Yang Zhu and Mo Zhai are eloquent, abandoning righteousness, and the virtue of the world can confuse unity.
If everyone keeps their original vision, the world will not be destroyed; Everyone keeps their original hearing, so there will be no troubles in the world; Everyone keeps his original intelligence, so there will be no chaos in the world; Everyone keeps his original nature, so there will be no evil in the world. What about Zeng Shen and Shi? Yang Zhu, Mo Zhai, Shi Kuang, Xugong and Lizhu all exposed their virtues and showed them off to confuse people all over the world, which is why the method of three wisdom is useless.
Don't you only know Sheng De's age? Once upon a time, Rong, Da, Bo Huangshi, Zhong, Shi, Li Shushi, Xuan Yuan Shi, Xushi He, Zunlu Shi, Zhu Rong Shi, Fu Xi Shi, Shennong Shi, in those days, people recorded by tying ropes, regarded coarse rice as delicious, plain clothes as beautiful clothes, pure feelings as joy and pure feelings as happiness. Times like this can be said to be true peace.
But today, it has actually reached the point where people stretch their necks and stand on tiptoe and say "somewhere is sacred".