1, President
Pronunciation: English ['prez d? nt]? Beauty [prez? d? nt]
President (country); (company) president; Principal; General manager; President of publishing house
When the president of the company retired, the vice president was promoted to his position.
When the general manager of the company retired, the deputy general manager was promoted to general manager.
2. Vice President
Pronunciation: English [va? Spritz? d? Nt] beauty [va? Spritz? d? nt]
vice president
Their spokesman is the vice president?
Their vice president is their spokesman.
3. General Manager
Pronunciation: English [? d? Hmm? r? l? m? Nid] beauty [? dn? r? l? m? n? d]
general manager
The general manager may be angry for no reason?
The general manager may be angry for no reason.
4. Branch Manager
Pronunciation: English [brɑ:nt m? Nid] beauty [br? nt m? n? d]
Explanation: branch manager
No, the branch manager is not here. ?
We can't decide. The branch manager is not here.
5. Project Manager
Pronunciation: English [prd? ekt? m? Nid] USA [prdkt? m? n? d]
project manager
With my experience and clients, I should be a project manager. ?
With my experience and customer resources, I should be the project manager.
6. Computer operator
Pronunciation: English [k? m? pju:t? p? reit? ] beauty [k? m? pjut ɑpret? ]
computer operator
He is a computer operator. ?
He is a computer operator.
7. Salesperson
Pronunciation: English [? se? lzp? : sn] beauty [? se? lzp? :rsn]
Interpretation: salesman
The salesperson no longer works for the organization. ?
This salesman no longer works in this company.
8. Auditor
Pronunciation: English [:d? t? (r)] beauty [d? t? ]
Interpretation: n. auditor; Auditor; Audience; listener
The auditor questioned the legality of the contract. ?
The auditor questioned the legality of these contracts.