Friendly greetings are divided into physical greetings and verbal greetings. Language greeting means that the greeting language spoken by the host must be the language of "greeting+sales in one word". Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation when greeting customers, so that what you say can sound pleasant and comfortable. Because the meaning of the same sentence expressed in different tones is different! Pronunciation and intonation is the most direct expression of service attitude!
Welcome with body language. With the increasing demands of consumers, the hardware and service level of shops are becoming more and more professional when they consume. Therefore, in order to make a good impression at the first time, not only the infrastructure of the store is required to be neat and professional, but also the shopping guide is required to greet every customer with a full mental outlook.
Part II: Caring for customers
After welcoming customers into the store, we should pay attention to the fact that modern customers like loose and free consumption space. After greeting customers, leave some space for them to buy without pressure. At the same time, our eyes must pay attention to customers, and take the pulse of customers' shopping signals through "looking, listening and asking" in traditional medicine. Of course, caring about customers is not that simple. How to communicate with customers and understand their potential needs all need our careful study and analysis.
Part III: Product introduction
When stimulating customers' desire to buy, don't rush to introduce the FAB of products, but be sure to understand customers' needs and be targeted. To understand the needs of customers, we need to make good use of the correct questioning methods and ask good questions. When asking questions, you can use the principle of 6W2H to ask questions. When introducing products, we should follow the principle of keeping an eye on the wind, which is also to stimulate customers' desire for knowledge.
Part IV: Help me try it on.
Assisting fitting can be divided into three periods: before fitting, during fitting and after fitting. At the same time, good fitting service makes customers feel our value-added service wholeheartedly, impress them and increase sales opportunities.
Part V: Handling Objections
People who are skeptical about goods are buyers, and all sales begin with rejection. Therefore, don't be psychologically afraid of customers' doubts or objections, and regard it as a trading opportunity. The process of sales is originally a circular process from "objection-agreement-transaction", and every transaction is an "agreement". Resolving objections is not only an excellent opportunity to establish a good relationship with customers, but also often creates new sales opportunities. Therefore, when resolving the objection, make it clear that his objection is not personal to you. Be sure to calm down!
Part VI: Praise customers.
Praising customers is a good way to close the relationship between customers and shopping guides. When the customer comes out of the fitting room and stands in front of the mirror, pay attention to observe the customer's expressions and actions and give him praise in time. At the same time, your praise must be sincere, specific and heartfelt, rather than perfunctory with a "good-looking".
Part VII: Upselling
Up-selling, also known as "pushing more", is to meet the additional needs of customers, provide more services, and increase the customer unit price of sales. It should be noted that upselling does not stop at a certain link. In daily sales, everyone should be a serious and responsible person who is good at finding more time and creating more additional sales opportunities.
Part VIII: Meicheng Service
When the customer confirms the transaction payment, he should introduce the after-sales service, hand over with the cashier, establish the membership file and so on. Create real service for every customer!