Look at the color: the higher the purity of silver, the whiter the color, which looks even and shiny and polished. If the lead content of silver is too much, it will appear more bluish gray; Silver with more copper has a rough surface.
Look at the weight: pure silver has a high density. Other things being equal, aluminum is light, silver is heavy, and copper is not heavy, so the authenticity of silver can be preliminarily distinguished by combining the weight.
Listen to the sound: According to the sound test, the landing sound of pure silver is crisp and inelastic. The lower the purity, the lower the throwing sound. Silver with too much copper has a high and sharp throwing sound, while silver with too much lead and tin has a dull and short throwing sound.
The origin of silver name
The chemical symbol Ag of silver comes from the Latin name Argentum of silver, which means "light color and bright", and the word silver belongs to the root family. In the root family, roots are both phonetic symbols and semantic symbols. All Chinese characters in Genzijia are related to the meaning of "boundary" and "limit". The original meaning of silver is "a metal close to gold".
In ancient times, people knew about silver. Like gold, silver is a precious metal with a long history of application, with a history of more than 4,000 years. Archaeologists in China discovered a "gold-silver fault" (a pattern inlaid with gold and silver wires) embedded in the surface of bronze wares unearthed in the Spring and Autumn Period.