Then I'll tell you about the macro settings on the keys.
Key location settings?
Take notes voluntarily? 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6?
1 bear/cat morphological laceration binding automatic attack command? Human form? Double-dot macro
/start attack
/crew? [Position: 1]? Laceration (bear shape)
/crew? [Attitude: 3]? Laceration (cheetah type)
/castsequence? Reset = Target/Combat? Lunar fire, swarm of insects
2? Cat-shaped stealth ambush Non-stealth backstab? Endure ridicule
/crew? [stealth]? sabotage
/crew? 【nostealth】? tear up
Endure forms of ridicule? Contact of body shape therapy
3 cat form? Split? Bear cut? Human form? Rejuvenation?
4? Cat form? Bite hard? Bear form? Beaten? Human form? flower of life
5? Cat form? The wrath of the tiger?
6? Cat form? Huh? Don't talk after 7 o'clock? Use less.
Do the action? q? e? f? r? v? g? t? `? z
q? Sneaking macro? Change back into a cat in any form? Non-combat stealth
#showtooltip? Move underwater
/crew? [Northstein: 3]! Cheetah morphology
/crew? [nostealth, position: 3]! Move underwater
e? Double peak interrupt macro
/crew? [Position: 1]? Head-on (bear form)
/crew? [Attitude: 3]? Head on (cheetah form)
f? Halo macro? Does the cat's invisibility constitute a sneak attack? Non-stealth kidney strike? Bear form slam
# show tooltip[ stealth]? A sudden attack; [Attitude: 3]? Cut into pieces; [Position: 1]? break?into?pieces
/crew? [Position: 1]? break?into?pieces
/crew? [stealth]? A sudden attack; Slice; Cut into small pieces
R cat jumping bear charging macro binding is broken
/crew? [Position: 1]? Wild charge (bear form)
/crew? [Attitude: 3]? Wild charge (cheetah form)
/crew? Destruction (cheetah form)
v? Heavy assault+oblique plunder
/crew? [Position: 1]? bang
/crew? [Attitude: 3]? Inclined scanning
g? Winding? life instinct
`? (The one on the label)? One-key elf fire
/crew? [nostance]? faerie fire
/crew? [Position: 1]? Faerie fire (Wild)
/crew? [Attitude: 3]? Faerie fire (Wild)
/crew? [Attitude: 4]? faerie fire
/crew? [Attitude: 5]? faerie fire
z? mark
Don't you say anything about key combinations? Mine is CTRL+QEFRVGT? And SHIFT+QEFG.
There are mainly two sprint macros.
#showtooltip? Juncus (cheetah form)
/Cancel Laura? Running and Roaring (Bear Form)
/Cancel Laura? Running and Roaring (Cheetah Form)
/crew? Juncus (cheetah form)
/Cancel Laura? Juncus (cheetah form)
/crew? Cheetah morphology
/crew? [Position: 1]? Running and Roaring (Bear Form)
/crew? [Attitude: 3]? Running and Roaring (Cheetah Form)
Because there can only be one sprint in the body at the same time, sometimes it is necessary to cancel the current sprint state in order to start the second sprint.
Therefore, it is necessary to set the cancel command in the macro, and the second macro will automatically change cats when they are in human form.
Sudden macro
#showtooltip? violent
/crew? [Attitude: 3] Tiger's Anger
/crew? [Attitude: 1] Angry
/crew? [Attitude: 1/3] Fury
/crew? unsolved mystery
Change the name of the ornament to your name.
Focused charge macro
/focus? [target = focus,? Does not exist)? [target = focus,? Dead]? [target = focus,? Help]
/stopmacro? [target = focus,? Does not exist]
/stopmacro? [target = focus,? Does not exist]
/crew? [target=focus,stance: 1]? Nochong? -? bear
/crew? [target=focus,stance:3]? Nochong? -? leopard
No focus, set your own focus? At the same time, automatically cancel the focus when the focus does not exist.
Focus blowing
/focus? [target = focus,? Does not exist)? [target = focus,? Dead]? [target = focus,? Help]?
/stopmacro? [target = focus,? Does not exist)?
/crew? whirlwind
One-button blood macro
/Castsequence? [target=player]? Reset = Battle/Target? Life blooms, rejuvenation, thorns, life blooms, life blooms
Just keep pressing. If you don't specialize in stealing, you can delete the thorns inside.
Activate macro
/crew? [Target = concave ten concave] activated
Don't cancel the current target activation for teammates? You can change your name yourself.
Shadow catching thief macro
#showtooltip? Shadow escape
/crew? Shadow escape
/crew? [Northstein: 3]? Cheetah morphology
/crew? Undercover operation
/goal? The Last Enemy
/crew? [stealth]? meet by chance
That's basically all. The key location is convenient or try to give priority to your own feelings.
One more thing? Try not to put the sneak attack in the active action bar, because the cat's stealth action bar will be delayed, so it is recommended to set it in the public action bar.