To become a Buddha, all aspects of blessing and resource accumulation are essential. The yogi wants to know the emptiness and get the supreme Buddha fruit, which he can't do before the blessing is completed. Everyone who practices wants to have wisdom, but the source of wisdom is mainly obtained by blessing besides important news, thinking and practice. The classic also said, "Knowing nothing without accumulating grain is like squeezing sand without producing oil." Monks in Langyi Temple are offering sacrifices to Manza, while monks in Langyi Temple are offering sacrifices to Manza. Any achievement of world law is also produced from the blessings. You know, in business and career work, we need blessing and wisdom, and what we need most is blessing. All careers need blessings. If there is no blessing, you will not be happy.
If you want to get good karma, you must do good deeds, practice well, and naturally increase good karma. With blessing, things will go smoothly, and without blessing, you will get nothing. Now so many people in the world want to get wealth and happiness, but 99% people can't get it at all. This is the reason why there is no blessing.