After the death of the king at that time, Yan Tiemu quickly launched a coup and took the lead in establishing the cowardly Wu Zongzi as the throne. Yan timur made great contributions to the king's succession, so he received special attention, and Yan timur further mastered the military power.
Soon, the king named him Prime Minister and lavished rewards on him, not only giving him official titles, jewels and fields, but also Yan Tiemu's father and brothers. It can be said that Yan Tiemu's power at that time had reached its peak, and even the ministers of the DPRK had to go through his review before submitting the throne, and were not allowed to report it to the king privately.
And powerful forces also made him swell up and become reckless and arrogant. Life is luxurious and very dissolute, which soon leads to physical discomfort and illness in bed. After his death, his descendants still dominated the political affairs for many years, until they were defeated by the North Korean Prime Minister after a long period of planning, and then slowly retired.