In order to solve the problem of pay, Cao Cao came up with a despicable trick, that is, to set up two positions for his army, that is, to send a corps commander, to touch gold as a captain, and to send a hill, that is, to dig a hill, that is, to rob a tomb and touch gold. This is also the case. The burial custom of the Han Dynasty is thick burial, and it is a mound on the tomb, that is, there is a mound-like tomb on the ground, so the tomb is easy to find and the income from robbing the tomb is also large. This should be the most authentic official thief in history, usually gathering a large number of soldiers and fighting with open flames.
Although it is said that the land where the grave robbers go is almost barren and unreasonable, it is said that when Captain Mojin is working, he will light a candle in the underground room of the tomb and put it in the southeast corner, and then open the coffin to touch the gold. If the candles are suddenly blown out when they get any gold and silver jewelry, the grave robbers will quickly return the gold and silver jewelry and immediately knock three heads.