In yesterday's question and answer, I did recommend some cheap bags. I really think zara's designs in recent years are quite suitable for us poor people. In addition, there are some middle-priced brands worth visiting, and it is very convenient to place an order online.
Charles & Keith
This brand seems to have achieved good results in this year's double eleven and entered the top ten. It seems that everyone knows about it. I bought a lot of shoes and bags in its physical store in Singapore 10 years ago, which was really cheap, especially after the off-season. Now Tmall has it. Brand leather bucket handbags are loved by fashion bloggers all over the world, often appearing in street shooting, and the design of shoes is also special in the season. You should be able to collect all the requirements at once.
I think its clothing is quite simple, suitable for OL white-collar workers who go to work. As for bags and shoes, they are super fashionable. Two or three hundred yuan looks very textured, not fall in price at all.
I'm gia
This is a brand that supermodel GIGI HADID and KAIA· Gerber like to wear frequently. It comes from Australia and the price is very affordable. Can compete with zara. The basic model has details, slightly sexy and easy to line.
Look at the matching map on the official announcement, is it very street-chic? If you like this cool street style, it's good to charge it at Zara's price. Three or five hundred dollars can also have a good street brand, and there is no need for hunger marketing to explode.
This brand can often be seen in street shooting during Fashion Week. Absolutely fashionable, simple and easy to build, fashion girls will not miss it. Its clothes and shoes are not sloppy at all, and it is often photographed.
The price will be a little higher than ZARA's, about 1000 yuan. There are some girls and some capable white-collar workers.
The brand is managed by CFDA award-winning designers Lisa mayock and jeff halmos. It can be distributed globally from April this year. The items worth starting with are high-quality patterned T-shirts, sweaters and other casual clothes.
The price of a T-shirt is between 400 and 500, but it is sought after by bloggers because of its bright pattern.
Qianpai shop
Its style is partial, celine looks quite old-fashioned, with simplicity as the main premise, but full of fashion sense.
The coat price is within 1500 yuan, which is mainly based on popular elements. Basically, you want to know what is popular this season. Just come and have a look.
Pearl satchel is a common ornament in street shooting this year.
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