Her memorial mausoleum is located in the Sahara desert in 1925, but dramatic archaeological discoveries at that time, such as King Tutankhamun's mausoleum, somewhat concealed her unveiling.
For some people, the1920s was an exciting time.
19 18 years, this great war has just ended, and some countries are enjoying economic prosperity, making their citizens indulge in luxury and decadent lifestyles.
In the field of archaeology, there are some sensational discoveries, including the tomb of Tutankhamun discovered by howard carter and the city of ur discovered by Leonard Woolley in 1922. And Ding Xinan's tomb, 1925 was discovered and opened by Byron Kun de Prorok and the French army. This discovery has received much less attention than other ancient discoveries.
This may be because Prolock was regarded as the "primitive grave robber" of his time and was not respected by the scientific community.
In the 1920s, Byron Kunde Prorok (B.
1896) is the director of archaeological excavations in Carthage.
Byron Conde Proch of Smithsonian/Wikimedia Association is a Polish-American amateur archaeologist who is interested in ancient legends.
With the support of France, De Prolock was able to explore the Sahara Desert.
In Vallesa, Kula, southern Algeria, de Prorok discovered an immortal tomb.
The circular building is located on a hill overlooking the dry river bed and is made of stone.
Its height is nearly 4 meters (13 feet) and its diameter is nearly 23 meters (75 feet).
According to local tradition, this is the tomb of Shishinan, whose name literally means "She in a tent" and is regarded as the ancient ancestor of Tuareg people.
According to local legend, several centuries ago, Tian Xin 'an and her loyal servant Gao Mei rode a milky camel to Huojia.
It is said that they settled in the mountains of Algeria, and she became the first queen of Tuareg people.
Tuareg people are Berber nomads in the Sahara desert.
In the 20th century, they were called "people on the veil" and even "blue people". When describing their bright indigo clothes, Tuareg people wear traditional clothes in the Sahara desert of Mali.
Bradley Watson/fleek, a warrior caste of Tuareg people, thinks they are direct descendants of Ding Xinan, while farmers think they are descendants of her maid Takamet. 1925, De Prolock is unlikely to have any doubts about opening the grave, although Tuareg people think it is blasphemy.
The sudden thunderstorm during the expedition fueled a superstition that angry elves (supernatural beings without fireworks) were taking revenge for desecrating Ding Xinan's tomb.
However, the storm soon passed, and De Prolock went on with his work. Although there is only one entrance, there are many rooms in the tomb.
According to its plan, some people think that it used to be a Roman fortress.
Some people even associate this structure with the Roman raid on the Sahara under Lucius cornelius Barbus in 19 BC.
When the Romans left this area, this fortress may be reused by the local people, and it will eventually become a model of Sisina's tomb in bardo National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnology in bardo.
* * * Public space is considered as the tomb of southwest.
In the southwest corner of the tomb, Millin.
De Prolock and his team came to the first room.
There is a grave in this room, under nine irregular stone slabs.
When these were removed, De Prolock found a female skeleton with her legs crossed and her head slightly tilted to one side.
The deceased once lay on a wooden platform, wrapped in a red leather cloak, although the cloak had already turned to dust.
The woman has seven heavy silver bracelets on her right arm and seven gold bracelets on her left arm, all of which are relics of the southwest.
Nets and other jewels, including turquoise and garnet beads, were also found in the tomb, including Amazon stone and corn.
Some people think that these precious objects come from Carthage in the north.
But by analyzing the pottery in these cultural relics, we can determine the age of the mausoleum.
A few years later, when the wooden platform was carbon dated, the results showed that the woman was buried at some time between the 3rd and 5th centuries, which was consistent with the age obtained through typological analysis of pottery.
A large number of objects in the tomb show that the woman buried there is almost certainly a person of high social status.
However, apart from local traditions, some people think that there is no other evidence that this skeleton belongs to Ding Xin 'an.
No matter what the woman's status is, this may not affect the Tuareg people's respect for their great ancestors.
Nowadays, one of the ways to commemorate Sissinan is to celebrate Sissinan Festival, which is not only a tribute to the Queen, but also a tribute to the role played by women in Algerian society today.
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[online] website: lookandlearn/blog/26338/the to complete of tin hinan dest the queen of the tuaregs/,author: wty, I am a college student with a bachelor's degree in archaeology.
My interests range from "traditional" to "radical" interpretation of archaeological/text/picture data sets.
I believe that the knowledge input from two extreme advocates will help to read Mor.